For a chick that looks like someone shoved a coat hanger in the Jokers mouth, Cameron Diaz does okay in the man department. If quantity is preferable to quality, that is. She was seen with Paul Sculfor in Santa Monica. And she's most certainly letting him lay pipe. But, she was seen out with Diddy the night before. She will have her reps issue a lie about how they're all friends, but, she's been shluping Diddy in secret for months. A big joke on Eddie Murphys ex, Tracy Edmonds who just announced that Diddy was the man for her after two dates. Wake up foo, a booty call is just that and Diddy's not capable of any more. At least Cameron has the sense to know that and has a spare. I'll bet they all smell like head cheese.
You do have a way with words, DD. Think I have to go throw up now :(
"Supahead" trashed Diddy's bedroom skills in her book. Maybe that's why she's with Paul, who was Jennifer Aniston's former rump partner.
It becomes like " incest" these celebrities humping around. lol! but p.diddy ( mouf breefer ) euuuuuu! I don't care how much cheese homie's got. euuuuuu!
"letting him lay pipe"
look at her their body language, "get offa me, bitch"
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