Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I love what you've done with the place, Nick Hogan!

Despite whiny little pussy, Nick Hogans pleas to go home to his mommy until he turns 18..a judge said no, he will do his crappy 8 months in jail. This is his cell. This little cunt actually told his dad that what happened to John was his own fault for being his friend in the first place. Man up, you little asshole licking girl. Here's some suggestions on things to do to relieve the boredom..
1. Shit in the sink and wash your face in the stool. Mix things up!
2. Soak pieces of toilet paper in water and make a snowman. Then fuck it.
3. Make a goal to eventually fit that bolted on stainless stool up your pussy ass. I'm betting you can do it!
4. Masturbate to fantasies of braiding Zac Effron's hair.
5. Learn to macrame the shredded shower curtain and hang yourself with it.
6.Train a legion of cockroaches to do your bidding. Steal plastic spoons and make them little race cars.
7. Think about what a puss you are.


Anonymous said...

It's a palace.

Anonymous said...

omg! it's HALF THE SIZE OF HIS BATHROOM AT HOME!!! that poor poor poor little lamb!!! it's all john's fault he's now a vegetable! nick didn't do nuttin' wrong! that judge is really a big meanie!

:sarcasm off:

nick hogan needs to be raped daily until his asshole is as big as the hole in john's forehead...

Anonymous said...

Thanks DD. Well said.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe he has his very own shower! thats a pretty good deal. Most people don't have their very own shower. I hope a mean, big toothed rat sleeps with him!

Anonymous said...

I guess every time he whined at home, he got what he wanted and thinks the real world is the same.
It's funny, but from the taped conversation with his mother, I got the impression she was relieved she only had to deal with him occasionally and on the phone, instead of daily, in the flesh. She seemed oddly fake and eager to agree with him.

What bothered me most were the plans for The New Nick show, since they assumed the public would accept it all and forget what indecent people they all seem to be.

Anonymous said...

The New Nick Show? LOL!!! Maybe they can bring back Nick-at-Nite? On what else...Nickelodeon! Only this stuff won't be "classic TV" or even worth the electricty it would take to turn it off! I hope thats just a stupid rumor. What network would want the guy? Nobody on this earth would want to watch the idiot either. I agree, I think Linda sounds like she couldn't care less that he's in jail and doesn't really want to talk to him. Of course, maybe she's just numb at this point.

Anonymous said...

hahah! You need to write Letterman's Top 10. They could use you....


Anonymous said...

He needs to shut up for real...I watch a lot of Lockup on MSNBC, and that's a NICE cell compared to what I've seen!