Wednesday, June 4, 2008

This continues to blow my mind

A fan she doesn't know from Adam, knocked on Amy Winehouse's door and asked for an autograph. Amy answered herself and obliged. The other day it was groups of kids...Amy went out, hugged them, posed for pics, signed skateboards. At least this time her dad, Mitch was there. I swear, this is so weird. I guess if you'd like to meet a big music star, just go knock on Amy's door. She'd probably invite you in for coffee and a hypo. If the junk doesn't kill her, a stalker will.


Anonymous said...

Her dad seems like such a good guy. I'm glad he's there.

Anonymous said...

She probably doesn't always answer the door, probably scopes out the visitors before opening up.

I don't think it's that odd, since in countries other than the USA, the public doesn't approach celebs nearly as much and they enjoy a much more private life. The internet might change all that, but I hope not.

My interest in celeb-watching is limited to the laughs I get from reading certain bloggers' posts, NOT from the celebs themselves - they're just the fodder. So I can't imagine getting a thrill from talking to one or getting an autograph.

Now certain athletes and artists - that might thrill me!

Anonymous said...

It seems in England that the houses open right up to the street. And everyone is in need of cupboards. They seem to keep everything on small shelves all over the place. I've seen that in so many pics from ppl in England. Very small places mostly. I guess space is at a premium there.

Anonymous said...

Ask John Lennon why you shouldn't open the door. He WAS really nice, too.


Anonymous said...

DON'T even compare John Lennon to This shitbag. Besides he was killed coming home & was in the entry courtyard to his building. He didn't open his own door for anybody, he was attacked from behind & shot in the back! Damn, I hate this sh**. yes he was nice & did sign autographs for his assassin. The Dakota has a guard now. Yeah, kinda late for that.

Anonymous said...

She's either very secure or totally clueless. Scary really, i think DD might be right, eventually someones going to hurt her or worse.

Anonymous said...

Climb down off your high-horse, 1:14. John Lennon may have been a brilliant artist/musician/ dedicated peace activist... but do your homework and you'll see that John was an experienced drug user/abuser right from the start of his career-- including pot/hashish, pills, LSD, cocaine, and heroin (heavy use) -- all washed down with plenty of booze.

He freely admitted on many occasions that he needed drugs to survive "every day of [my] adult life", and that his drug use was a constant source of friction between himself and Yoko Ono, as well as his bandmates. Even his first wife Cynthia Powell claimed his increasing drug use was partially to blame for their split.

During his self-imposed retirement from 1976-1980, he fell so far into his various addictions he was, by his own admission-- creatively bankrupt. Had he succumbed to his chemical folly rather than a crazed gunman's bullet, no doubt his epitaph would be slightly-tarnished.

He spoke to the youth of a nation, but he wasn't a god.. he was just a human being.

Anonymous said...

Remember she is not american.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11.00. Yes, a lot of the houses do open up directly to the street in London and I am so used to storing things on shelves that I nearly have forgotten what a cupboard is.

Anonymous said...

7:23 - High five!!