Thursday, June 5, 2008

Brad Pitt buys some art

Brad's new collections from lamp, made of foam and fiberglass, 2 of the bronze chairs designed by Max Lamb, $25,000 each, marble table, $293,000. I think the chair looks like plastic lawn furniture that got caught in a fire. But, Brad and Angie have made some savvy art investments before, so he probably knows what he's doing. His taste is...curious. He also bought an aluminum rug. Maybe he's searching for furniture the kids can't set on fire.
Note: I finally found a photo of Brad's aluminum rug. By Colombian designer Jorge Lizarazo. Comfy, cozy! Do you think Angie would like doing it on that thing? Bet she would. Can't you hear her now? "Harder, you little bitch, HARDER! I'm not bleeding yet!"


Anonymous said...

Love that marble table!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"E" News on TV last night said this story wasn't true, as Brad wouldn't leave AJ to go to Switzerland for an art auction when her twins birth is so close. But I would be smart enough to figure out he shopped the catalog & had his "bitch" employee bid on this crap. It's all uglier than hell and I coulda bought myself a brand new home & furnished it with fabu brand new furnishings & lived there for years on what this stuff cost. Unbelieveable. How do they justify this? Is this for some Katrina survivors home? That would make more sense coming from such humanitarians.

Anonymous said...

But, but... this Ugly shit could feed a lot of Third World Orphans?? Or should I say, this money could have bought more kids. Or maybe a new Wig for Brad.

P.S I think the Employee who was sent to bid on this crap was James Voight'Haven. The one with the Serial Killer eyes.

Anonymous said...

I don't get how on the one hand they can be so gung ho on humanitarianism and on the other hand drop $60 mil on a mansion that they will barely ever use more than a fraction of and a $300k table. I mean it's not like I *expect* them to part with their money but at least don't try to give this holier-than-thou image. I guess if I had that much money I would probably give a lot more of it away. But maybe I'd change my tune if I actually had it...*shrug*

Anonymous said...

Hey don't you know, these are examples of all that "culture" and "artsy lifestyle" they claim to have.

Anonymous said...

hey, i'm gonna make a table with cat hair and try to sell it to brad as 'art'....i won't be a greedy grub, i'll just ask for $1.5 million...

Anonymous said...

That "marble table" looks like someone placed it too near the fireplace!

And *Amy* is absolutely right. They whine ad infinitum about human rights, apathy and poverty... yet they spend vast amounts of money on houses they rarely visit, hideous works of "art" and who knows what else.

Hey, continue to spend your money any way you like, 'Brange'... just STFU about what the rest of us should or shouldn't be doing with our leisure time and discretionary assets.