Thursday, June 5, 2008

Tom and Kate are moving to NY

I love celebrity excess. Tom and Katie's huge LA mansion finally got finished and they threw one big old party and now..they're moving. Katie got a part in "All My Sons" on Broadway, so they're off to The Big Apple. Not to worry, they can add a kabillon dollar penthouse or and entire remodled brownstone to their list of mansions. How does Tom Cruise still have this much money?


Anonymous said...

i think they already own a tri-plex or something else grandiose in NYC....

celebrity excess about a weekly celebrity excess post?? celebs with greedy grubness beyond greedy grubness??

Anonymous said...

He's been ingenious when contracting with the studios for various roles, he doesn't always take salary as in 10 or 15 million etc he often only takes S.A.G standard salary but when you add on a percentage of the projects world wide gross that adds up to millions apon millions more then a contracted 10 and up deal. Throw in diversified investments, and your rich as croesus, 'cause it takes money to make money.

Anonymous said...

he is an excellent business man.
Katie is stunning, beautiful.
By the bye, I am not a Cruise fan

Anonymous said...

The show will close within weeks. 'cuz Katie will suck at it. They'll be baaaack!!

Anonymous said...

And how come "Heeeere's Johnny" Ed McMahon is gonna lose his home now? He is on soooo many commercials & has always hosted TV shows for my entire life? WTH did he do with all that GD money? GAWD! You'd have thot he could paid CASH for a 6 mil $ home.

Anonymous said...

It's funny that people think she has talent. I haven't seen much of her work but what I have seen was pure amateurish (or mis-casting).
The main reason most actors get parts is because of their popularity, not their talent and that's how Holmes has wound up with so many parts since her relationship with Cruise.

Well she can only get better I guess.

Anonymous said...

Remember, lots of the smart celeb's (like Arnold S. in California) made their big money in real estate. And the dumb ones, (like Britney S.), usually lose money on their mansions.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that about Ed McMahon, he was always a favorite of mine. I don't know what happened, but sometimes people just invest wrong or get taken.