I think John Mayer's Land Rover is way hotter than that fug GT he has, but, it didn't have a back plate so he got a ticket and of course the paps were there to take pics. It's not even a good story, I just think that officer was secretly slipping John his phone number in case the Perez rumors turn out to be true and Mayer bats for the other team, which I'm sure he doesn't because I've been cyber stalking him for years for reasons that are not clear, even to me. I know..it's nuts. But, like Denise Richards says "I can't help that I like what I like." Amen to that. It's the only smart thing she's ever said.
DD, your boyfriend deserves a ticket just for driving that hideous gas hog monster!
He's getting a ticket for D.W.S.
(that's "Driving With Shorthair" - a serious offense in my town)
Yeah, he needs to grow back his gorgeous hair. I liked it, ALOT! Zexy!
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