I thot of the old jump rope rhyme. "Fudge, Fudge, call the judge...Mommas got a newborn bayyybee, wrap it up in tissue paper, send it down the elevator, boy, girl, twins, triplets..." LOL!!! Man, those were the days huh?
P.S. I read this blog always, but never left a comment (even when you lost your son) - sorry, life's too short - please carry on as it is usually the only laugh I get for the day. You are a gift to this earth and bring a levity that is needed by all. I hope only good things come to you. ( PSS - I am no where as smart as you and probably seem to babble compared to you)
I thot of the old jump rope rhyme. "Fudge, Fudge, call the judge...Mommas got a newborn bayyybee, wrap it up in tissue paper, send it down the elevator, boy, girl, twins, triplets..." LOL!!! Man, those were the days huh?
He must be bored, he got nuthin' goin' on.
LMAO!! I get it!
I just lost my father in law and was looking for a break. This made me laugh out loud and I haven't done that in over a week. Thank you!!!
P.S. I read this blog always, but never left a comment (even when you lost your son) - sorry, life's too short - please carry on as it is usually the only laugh I get for the day. You are a gift to this earth and bring a levity that is needed by all. I hope only good things come to you. ( PSS - I am no where as smart as you and probably seem to babble compared to you)
Awwww, you guys are sweet. Thanks. And it's been my experience that my commenters are witty as all get out and I laugh out loud in here.
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