Dear Si -Fi channel, keep your Ghost Hunters International show..I'll be watching TLC's Kate Plus Kate instead because I don't trust anyone but Jason and Grant. Sure, you put a few members of the TAPS team in the new show, but, none of them are my hero's Jason or Grant. I don't begrudge the real dudes some off time, but, why bother trying to replace them? Entertainment you say? Maybe someone will fall for that, not me. I went to the TAPS sight and read that new episodes of the real thing will be out in September....I can wait....it's almost here. The two Atlanta plumbers have earned my trust and respect, people who see a shadow and yell "Run dude! RUN!", not so much. Or people who look at the camera and claim "they have a feeling." Uhh, yeah. Don't feed me a bowl of popcorn and tell me it's a seven course meal, it's a bowl of air. So is GHI..thanks for screwing up my Wednesdays all summer.
You are still gonna watch Kate+Kate? WHY????? *gak*
I lost respect for T.A.P.S.(GH) because my membership number at their forum was like 1500, and one day I tried to log in, and was greeted with a message that they moved the server and wiped everything to start over.
I think their sponsor wanted the member info, and the original forum wasn't set up to provide that info.
Bye-bye photos, opinions, messages, buddies.
Hello slow logins (or NO logins), forum downtime, and overbearing mods.
Art for a price.
I time-lapse movie of a teddy bear's head turning does not prove supernatural activity.
Plus their show bored me outtaq my skull.
they're from RI.. and yeah i miss them too. Although the international is pretty cool too - me likey castles and shit. LOL
The boys will be back and a true GH fan will wait and savor every new moment!
They wouldn't really replace them, would they? I was planning on going to DragonCon just to see them (and all the crazy people), but it looks like with the move we're not going to be able to. Anyway, I like Tango and Steve too...the only one I never really liked was Brain Harnois or whatever his name is. He seemed like he had a stick up his butt. :)
I saw the Brian character on the International show. Recognized his face, his teeth, his accent. Can't imagine why that show would pick him as the American authority (gag).
Jason and Grant are the real thing to me. They'll tell a hoper that, sorry, that's just a mirror reflection and not shine them on (no pun intended). I want them back for good.
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