Any other insomniacs out there who've seen that commercial for this "miracle" shoe? They actually have people who claim they were crippled until they found this stylish beauty and "Lordy be! I can walk again!" Never mind that the people who are willing to be seen in it without a gun to their noggin are wearing plaid golf shorts and happy face caps and just generally look like they're having their first visit to the Earth after just stepping off the alien craft from Planet Nerd. I should shut up, I'll probably be wearing them next week and this is the most normal HBC has looked in a year.
Those are UGLY shoes!damm!!!
Hey I have 3 pair!!! Not really. Yuck! I betcha they aren't cheap either! Is this the next "crocs"? gawd, lets hope not! Is it made by Crocs?
Yeah, they l like they were made by Croc(k)s, and scooped up from the bottom of the lagoon.
i wonder if for people who live where it snows if the heel thing there could be a spiked type cup so you wouldn't slip on ice...that would be practical....
What are those things called: who makes them? They are beautiful! (No, I'm not being sarcastic.)
There is a heel that you can buy to cover the spring. I think the shoes are costly and the heel is extra. I am constantly looking for a comfortable shoe and I've looked at these but I just can't the "balls" to buy them. Maybe if I wore pants long enough to cover the heel.
They're supposed to be better for your knees....but they're so damn ugly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They're called z-coils and they're supposed to work wonders on people with all sorts of foot/spine issues. They are, however, ugly as sin. They are also very pricey, I think over 200 dollars. But I guess it's worth it to not be in a lot of pain.
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