Friday, August 22, 2008

Bull plus shit

US Weekly says Brad and Jen will meet on the red carpet at the Toronto Film Festival, they both have crap to promote. Oh, what a thrill. Angie will give Jen a knowing wink, Jen will have tears in her eyes, Brad will hang his head in shame...or they'll avoid each other and we can skip this bullshit. He's hardly the stuff dreams are made of anymore, jebus! And he has a pack of kids. I'd say she's over it. Duh. Women do get over things, even former pretty boys. You never forget the humiliation though, maybe she'll laugh at him as he walks by and whisper "hi, jowley." Then I'd look Angelina up and down, concentrate on her post twin tummy a second, and smirk like a cat. But, that's just me.


Anonymous said...

According to the Angeloonies ( lesbians who WANT A.J ) Angelina has NEVER had plastic surgery but I'M SURE Angelina gets an extra nip & tuck after each blob & Orphan. Then she calls the Media " Look at me, Aren't I pretty!

btw. I seriously believe J.A is over Bradt pitt face but... all three ( Brangelina & J.A ) are washed up so I guess... Anything! to sell their crappy movies.

Anonymous said...

I think Aniston is just trying to find a guy who wants the same things she does. Pitt wanted a huge family and I'm sure Aniston would have that by now if that's what she wanted.

She needs a guy who's interested in living the way she does. It seems kinda boring to me, (I'd emulate Daryl Hannah for her country boheme life) but I guess Aniston likes making everything all pretty and average etc in her life and keeping it stress-free.

Anonymous said...

I like Jennifer's healthy lifestyle, and Brad does look like shit now. Aging and housekeeping for his controller is taking its toll. How long before Angelina gets tired of him? Brad is blob with good genes; nothing more.

Dirty Disher said...

I have to say ...again..Jen DID want kids. During the last part of her marriage to Brad she told Oprah "hell yes! I'd pop 'em out in the green room right now!" Shortly after that, Brad met Angie. I'm not really on either side, shit happens, but, it was chemistry, not kids.

Anonymous said...


I think J.A took the High Road, regarding brangelina. I have never been a fan of hers. I hated " friends" but I must say I'm Respecting J.A more & more each day. To be cheated on and stabbed in the back publically has to be incredibly Painful. Rest Assured~ Karma will catch up with Hemroid Lips Jolie ( or Voight ) skanks like her do get their day in Court :)

I wish Jennifer well~
and if kids are what she wants?
she should look to Halle or Salma. Just do "it"

cc said...

I was never a huge fan of any of these celebs (or any celeb, really, come to think of it) but when I found out Pitt & Jolie had gotten together, I did feel a twinge sorry for Aniston. Was anyone really shocked and surprised, though? An accident of genes though it is, Jolie does have an extremely beautiful face and she is a bit of a whackjob. There are many men - maybe most or all men, even - for whom those two attributes are irresistable and Pitt is obviously one of them.

Hell, my husband is one of them. He'd dump my haggy old ass for someone like Jolie in a heartbeat, except of course he'd need a few improvements himself like a) money b) looks. Ha!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

* Sound the brangeloonie Alarm *Some have escaped from Just Jared and/or Perez's shrine worshipping blogs.


So tell me now why I should Hate Jennifer??? Wish her dead? or unable to find Happiness?

methinks brangeloonies are the whack jobs who need HELP-

Anonymous said...

JA's "healthy" lifestyle? Are you insane? She's a self confessed chain smoker! Thats healthy? Last I checked it was the #1 cause of lung cancer and heart disease in this country. & Brad IS losing his looks, too bad for him...hee-hee! I do love his face in "Legends of the fall"..he was gorg then. AJ & all those kids are taking their toll, he's certainly worn down looking. He's looking older than his age. But he a heavy smoker too, that doesn't help. Makes you wrinkle.

Anonymous said...

I got the impression that Jen just ACTED like she wanted a family, because .... it's pretty easy to get pregnant for most women!

WHY wouldn't she have just gotten pregnant with Brad? She had years to do so.

I know other women who SAID they wanted kids but who never had them - that speaks volumes about their true desires. Two of them are artists and two of them are wilderness leaders - kids don't fit into these lifestyles very easily.

Did anyone ever ask Jen why she didn't just go ahead and get pregnant? And why she didn't quit smoking for the sake of her family's health? Or did she just say she wanted kids to stop the constant public questioning?

Anonymous said...

Lets Lynch Jennifer Aniston! She Smokes, She doesn't have blobs and she has terrible taste in men.

Dirty Disher said...

Kill the bitch! It's an outrage!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! At D.D!

If only Jennifer Aniston would blab to the Press about her personal life (Daddy issues),Collect kids, become a Home Wrecker! and do Hard Core drugs like Heroin, Then maybe I would Respect Jen more.

Sorry Jennifer Aniston but we need to Lynch you. That way you can't be independent, have flings and enjoy life.

Anonymous said...

You are right about the mistake I made in calling it a healthy lifestyle because she smokes. It's just that I smoke weed and look at other smokers as kin folk. i would love to smoke a big bowl of some green sticky with Jen followed by a hash hit and then ask her ; "tell me about John and Brad". I bet she'd go on for hours.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:12: U r too right. I just called u out on that because her & Brad used to say that smoking was their "job". They smoke alot. Get Jen some pot and she'd mellow out, thats no doubt! You know she's down wit' 'dat! haHa! Good one anon! We r friends now. XO

Anonymous said...

whats going on with Brads face here? He is starting to look so weird.

Anonymous said...

whats going on with his face you ask? you can't see it but angie is standing there with a vice grip on his balls

kris said...

"whats going on with his face you ask? you can't see it but angie is standing there with a vice grip on his balls" LOL...nice answer!!!!

I never did see what's so hot about him...I'd take Vince Vaughn over Brad ANY day...but then again, I think a sense of humor is VERY sexy. Also, having a brain and non-vacant eyes turns me on too...

Anonymous said...

anon 10:37, you answered me with this?
"whats going on with his face you ask? you can't see it but angie is standing there with a vice grip on his balls"

You mean he still has his balls? Now THATS news!!! LOL!

Good one anon!

Anonymous said...

You're all so right!! Brad Pitt is so unattractive, downright repusive in his old age!! *coughing* Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME? He's aging, we all do! He looks just fine! Sorry he's happy, (vice grip or not!), and Jen is so unhappy. Get over it already!!

Anonymous said...

8:26 you sound like the unhappy,HATEFUL ONE!

Brad is over rated,Always has been but now he's washed up too & tied down with Trout Lips and her rainbow collection.

I'd rather live Jennifer's life anyday.