Mackenzie Phillips is out of jail, she got bailed out by her sister Bijou Phillips and her boy friend Danny Masterson (yeah, Hyde from That 70's Show)..they offered to bail her yesterday, but, Mackenzie said no. I can understand that, she was probably feeling pretty down, but, a night in jail changed her mind. It's good she still has family who cares about her. That's what family does, no matter how much of a fuck up you are.
The story came out about her bust and it said she was antsy and couldn't stop moving so that's why she was searched. During the search a bag fell out of her pants, down her pants leg and out onto the floor. (Ever hear of duct tape? Geez.) At that point, Makenzie admitted she was holding and was arrested. Those look like personal stash to me, so it's not like she's a drug mule, but, when will druggies learn that you can buy that crap AFTER you land? Anyhow, what I want to know is why she had 34 needles on her? She's not a diabetic. Do druggies need 34 needles?? Someone on here must know why anyone would carry that many.
The story came out about her bust and it said she was antsy and couldn't stop moving so that's why she was searched. During the search a bag fell out of her pants, down her pants leg and out onto the floor. (Ever hear of duct tape? Geez.) At that point, Makenzie admitted she was holding and was arrested. Those look like personal stash to me, so it's not like she's a drug mule, but, when will druggies learn that you can buy that crap AFTER you land? Anyhow, what I want to know is why she had 34 needles on her? She's not a diabetic. Do druggies need 34 needles?? Someone on here must know why anyone would carry that many.
In case the other 33 break? The logic of a junkie has always escaped me. In some ways they are simply like scared, neglected little children.
What a mess. Her dad is dead, her mom is porbably not speaking to her, and she's getting old now. How embarrassing, a woman her age still getting high on that sh**. I don't think she be sustained with just smoking pot, she is a heavy drug user & nothing else will do. I can't believe she's not dead. Didn't she say that Valerie Bertinelli and her did drugs together back on "One Day At A Time"? But Val kept it from getting out and public. She obviously isn't using anymore, she seems to be getting in shape etc. It can be done. But she has just always been way too far into it. No other life.
Dish, I noticed that you referred to Bijou & Mack as "sisters". You probably know they're only half-sisters and not at all close (which makes her gesture of financial assistance on Mack's behalf all the more touching)-- in any case, all the kids in that family have the same dad (legendary drug abuser and former Mama's & the Papa's singer/songwriter, the late John Phillips) -- Bijou's mom is South African former model, Genevieve Waite and Mackenzie's mom is Suzy January.
Singer/actress, Chynna Phillips' mom is former Mama's & the Papa's singer, Michelle Phillips.
There are two "brothers" in the mix as well; musician, Tamerlane Phillips, who is Bijou's brother by Genevieve Waite and last but not least, banking exec Jeffrey Phillips-- Mackenzie's brother by Suzy January.
I thought I read elsewhere that Bijou is a Scientologist. The first offer of posting bail may have come with strings attached.
Bijou *is* a Scientologist.
Surprising, if you ask me... Her wild partying past and rampant, prolific drug use makes anything Mackenzie may have done PALE by comparison.
because she's shooting the shit in her arm.
People fall off the wagon and often, I wish the best for Mack. Once needles are involved it gets harder and harder to quit.
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