The bottom photo was part of a series called “Domestic Bliss” by Steven Klein and the 2005 spread (if I remember right) came out during the Mr. And Mrs. Smith movie and Pitt's divorce from Aniston. It prompted Jen to say in an interview that Brad was "missing his sensitivity chip." Now it's being recreated by Brad Pitt who will take the new W photos himself. A bunch of tiny models are out of a job this time. It will be interesting to see how Brad sees his family. I keep thinking he's either a jack of all trades who actually has talent with a camera..or...this is the intellectual equivalent of jumping up and down on Oprah's couch.
Damn, I spelled pandering wrong. I'm a lazy dyslexic...I'll leave it.
Damn, I spelled pandering wrong. I'm a lazy dyslexic...I'll leave it.
Brad Pitt can kiss my ass. He's so full of himself and so self important that he thinks he can do no wrong. I can't stand him anymore. I hate AJ, and those brats can all stay in France with Beldar!
I agree with above^ I no longer Respect or like brangelina.
So.... does brangelina WANT PRIVACY???? or NOT?! They both make me sick.
Angelina has a problem and to shut it out from herself and the world she uses a smokescreen.... adopting orphans ..had to have her own though, to consolidate what she was doing and keep a tight rein on Brad who won't move on now because of the children and "lose face" with the "I told you so's of the world"!
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