The original article with this blurry photo (the EXCLUSIVE first pic of Sunday Rose..OMFG!) says the nanny carried the baby bottles. The significance of that statement is profound, there are probably a million "mommy" blogs now having a war over breast or bottle and calling Aussie social services. Uhhh, you can pump that stuff into a bottle, guys, and even if you don't, the kid will live. Besides, I'm not even sure that's a baby. It might be a melon.
It's a stupid thing to make light of.
Breast-fed babies have much higher IQs and natural immunity.
Just because huge, greedy corporations are able to convince mothers to abandon the best and only natural method of nurturing their babies doesn't mean it's an idea anyone should even consider.
The physical condition of most Americans is disgraceful. Your organs have to deal with every thing you put in your mouth, everything you breathe and absorb through your skin. It all takes it's toll because at some point, the organs can't function well anymore.
America is killing itself off.... death by sheer stupidity.
Anon 7:10....while I see your point...I assume that you consume only organic foods...because certainly you know the dangers of eating anything else...pesticides, hormones given to the animals, etc...etc...do you even go outside into the polluted air that you would not only breathe but allow to touch your skin which would absorb some of the toxins?
Previous research has shown that breastfed children have higher IQs than those who were bottle-fed. But it wasn’t clear if the advantage was partly the result of other factors such as the mother’s own IQ or socio-economic status.
So, breast fed babies are higher in IQ than a bunch of dumb poor bitches babies in the same study. Yeah, you convinced me. Pffft.
they also tell you that breast fed babies have less ear infections. Really? I breast fed both of mine till they were 1 and almost 1 and they still got lots of ear infections. My 2nd baby had to go on the bottle at 10 months because she wasn't getting anything from me and she was getting skinny. (She is still skinny tho, she's 22 now!)I don't think it's for everyone. I am pro-choice on this too.
read to your babies, look at them and talk to them, even if you are holding a bottle, it is the same experience for them. It's the bonding & your voice that makes them aware and alert thus making them quicker to learn. Make their room & toys interesting and ALWAYS read to them, even when they are tiny, tiny. THATS the kinds of things that make a smarter child. And ya' know, some kids just ain't smart, never will be, doesn't matter what you do. It's genetic. And what about all the adopted babies? They don't get nursed either. They are fine and very intelligent, as far as I can tell from my experience. It's more about genes and the love the mother & famliy gives the child and the attention and play. Play is learning.
As for immunity..the highest concentrations of the antibodies are found in Colostrum, which is the first liquid produced by the breast before milk. Breast feeding is a good thing, but, calling people stupid or implying they're a bad mom because they can't or choose not to breast feed is incorrect. And not nice, but, you don't have to be nice. I can read and choose for myself.
I breastfed both of my children for over 2 years because I felt it was the right thing to do. They both are very good-looking (now early 20s) and have extremely high IQs. I could go on and on about how much better off they are, by comparing them to the average child with ADD, etc, but it wouldn't convince anyone.
High IQs run in my family and breast-feeding isn't the only factor in intelligence. I only have my own experience to trust.
I guess a lot of people don't care enough to make the effort to inform themselves and that's fine. I just couldn't let the norm dictate what I did and now, 20 years later, I'm glad I didn't.
ANON 7:26 - You missed the point. I stated those things because I'm aware of them. But of course I go outside, I don't know what you're thinking! Inside air can be much worse than outside air, did you know that?
I wasn't able to breastfeed my two because I couldn't produce enough milk. My children are in the gifted programs at their schools, one is in the band, and takes piano and karate. My daughter is a competative gymnast. I have WONDERFUL children so the fact that the weren't breastfed doesn't seem to have put a lasting mark on their lives.
@anon 7:10
Not all women are capable of breast feeding. My sister tried with both of her children, but a slight deformity made it impossible. I suppose in your opinion that makes her a stupid, irresponsible zombie controlled by corporations. In other words, your statements are very broad and sweeping and do not take into consideration extenuating circumstances.
BTW, I breast fed my daughter for 2 and a half years, but I do realise not everyone is a s fortunate as I am.
Thank you all who had manners. Naming calling never helps your cause.
breat feeding reduces the risk of breat cancer
it is good for the immune system of the child
it is good for the mental health of the mother and the child
at the end besides 'convinience' there is no reason not to breast feed, but a lot against artificial bottle crap.
And if you don't want to breast feed a baby, why not cut them off? Get rid of the stuff! And the uterus! And the ovaries! And stop bitching all the time.
anon 3:12,
exactly what are you saying? were you breat fed yourself?
At anon 3:12;
Convenience? Breast feeding is a lot more convenient. In my case, as a stay at home Mom, there were no bottles at all. My daughter never took a bottle. I just whipped 'em out when necessary.
But you are still missing the point. NOT EVERYONE CAN BREAST FEED. So. Should we punish the women (and their children) who cannot?
Ok, well since I was UNABLE "breat feed", here are my ovaries! Buy one get one free.
Anon 3:12:
I think that was the most ignorant thing I've read all day. Thanks for the good laugh.
yep for those who can't breast feed its sad, for both mother and baby. i can't think of anything worse than buying and preparing formula milk. wacking out a tit (or gob stoppers as i like to call them) when baby cries just eases stress all round, they suckle and purr, you get to sit down for some quiet time and enjoy some bonding and comfort while baby shuts up and falls asleep. its totally relaxing and no fuss. after baby gets off the tit you get your life back for a short while cause you can kick back without the bother of having to boil and sterlize bottles. all you have to do is put your tit back and chill. breast feeding is so much easier, i'm sorry for people (and their babies) who can't or don't or won't.
"I breastfed both of my children for over 2 years because I felt it was the right thing to do. They both are very good-looking (now early 20s) and have extremely high IQs. I could go on and on about how much better off they are, by comparing them to the average child with ADD, etc, but it wouldn't convince anyone.
High IQs run in my family and breast-feeding isn't the only factor in intelligence. I only have my own experience to trust."
Did they inherit your arrogant asshole genes as well?
You should have bottled that precious stuff and sold it for millions since apparently it causes intelligence AND beauty!
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