Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hey, 7 year old kid, you're too ugly to be Chinese

A 7-year-old Chinese girl was not good-looking enough for the Olympics opening ceremony, so they used her voice to sing the national anthem, but, had a much more acceptable looking kid lip sinc it. "The audience will understand that it's in the national interest," said Chen Qigang the ceremony's chief music director. You can read the rest of China's quest for perfection HERE and see film of the little lip syncer who was deemed cuter.
I'm surprised they let the "ugly" kid live, she's a worthless female after all. Get the fuck out of China, kid and don't plan on taking your dog..that's dinner.


Anonymous said...

WHAAAAAT? The Chinese did that to a little girl???? No.... she's not scarred for life now.


Anonymous said...

She looks like a typical Chinese girl. I wonder how they assess beauty, since their features are so different from Caucasian, Negro, etc. It's also a typically stupid Chinese decision to manipulate things like that. Really nauseating, ignorant culture they have.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Angelina is going to adopt her!!

Anonymous said...

awww....she's so cute! thats the meanest thing i have ever heard. I am surprised she has lived this long! And she can sing! She just needs braces when her adult teeth come in. Big deal. Thats normal. But to them it must mean she's a reject. Man! What a bunch of phonies! Mean asses.

Anonymous said...

they're waiting til she's older and then they can harvest her organs for a rich american...

Anonymous said...

Not falling for this shit again...or should I say shit storm.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, little girl.
Go to "America", get implants, change your hair colour and paint your skin orange.
Because, you know, people in "America" are full of self-acceptance and all that. Very nice lovely immaculate people.

Anonymous said...

yoo wery funny round eye's. make fun of great chinese empire! Me cant wait until we enwade USA, I will eat your dog meself DD. You wery wery mean wooman, you daddy should of throw yoo out and make boy!

Anonymous said...

Nice, 7:37.

Meawhile, you gotta wonder how they broached this with her and the family. Erm, your kid is a great singer, however, it is in our NATIONAL INTEREST to put forth a certain face: A generically attractive face. Your daughter has too much "character" and it shows. Please to honor the country or you will be required to breathe a roomful of concentrated Beijing air.

Anonymous said...

Hey 6:43, at least looking cute is not branded as a "National Interest" in America.

Anonymous said...

It isn't, 8:48?

Take a look at Disney Channel, kid's magazines, advertisements and all that. It kills me when people act like hypocrites. We've got statements like that coming from EVERYWHERE.

Funny how the same hateful people that come here and say that the Jolie's kids are "homely" and "ugly" or "angry looking", are maybe the same ones appalled by the way the chinese behaved.

Well, guess people gotta feed the hate addiction. So go on and make up an excuse for hating the chinese people. Go and pretend they aren't just like you.