Harper’s Bazaar had their photo shop people earning their pay this month with Rachel Zoe. They had the task of adding some meat on her cranked out bones before the issue hit the shelves in September. The stylist to the stars isn't into food, when asked what she lunches on, Rachel said "Truth? I don’t. I’m not a lady who lunches; it’s a lull in the day."
Truth? She lunches on white snort and I could care less. They should have photo shopped those fug shoes out and interviewed her wig.
Truth? She lunches on white snort and I could care less. They should have photo shopped those fug shoes out and interviewed her wig.
those shoes make zero sense with that dress. I can't believe she's getting her own TV show! She will be preaching the "stay skinny" thing all the time and the girls will be back on the anorexia wagon! Just as we were getting a little bit back to normal.
I thought that was Charlize Theron - WTF?
I'm glad others hate those shoes. Pure crap.
DD, where'd you find that before-and-after? I love stuff like that!
Rachel "Bananas" Zoe is bald as a billiard ball...
(just a little dividend of her starvation diet)
Nice, 6:20.
Meawhile, you gotta wonder how they broached this with her and the family. Erm, your kid is a great singer, however, it is in our NATIONAL INTEREST to put forth a certain face: A generically attractive face. Your daughter has too much "character" and it shows. Please to honor the country or you will be required to breathe a roomful of concentrated Beijing air.
wrong forum, try again.
I don't hate her but I surely do hate those hideous shoes.
Hating those shoes. Much better in size 8. This woman adds nothing to society -- puh-leaze don't present her as a role model for girls.
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