I don't know wtf this beer has in it that's good for you, but, it's smart beer, like Anistons Smart Water I assume..so drink lots of it. I couldn't find one photo of Simpson drinking beer, but, something tells me we're going to need some beer to handle the Jessica/Carrie Underwood continued blond bimbo fight. Jess went on some radio station yesterday and told them she and Tony Romo laughed at Carrie Underwood claiming Tony still calls her. Jess believed him so much she admitted she checked his call log. That's trust, people. And that's not how you snoop, that's just how you start your snoop, right? But, it doesn't matter if Carrie's lying or not now, she got Simpson to admit she snooped and that means suspicion and Carrie won this round. I'm ready for the next round. May the best bimbo win and the prize be forgotten. Because that mofo looks like he fell out of a crackerjack box onto a special ed lunch tray to me.
you'd think they'd have picked a picture of her not looking like a 'tard for SMART BEER...she needs a helmet on her head and she'd be all set to ride the bus!
of course i'm sure HER idea of really looking 'smart' was to hold a book, but the photographer wouldn't go for that cuz everyone knows she can't read....
I was just going to say...she looks so stupid here! WTH? Bad pic. Not going to help sales! "Smart Beer", dumb celeb promo pic!
As a matter of fact, I think she's trying to look sexy & smoldering here, like that sells beer? Guys watching football & making fart jokes! THAT sells beer!
"Be Smart, Drink Smart"...and they choose Jessica Simpson for that ad? R U kidding me? It's almost a joke! it IS a joke! I hope she gets it and can laugh at herself. All the way to the bank..yet again!
And Underwood just admitted she's broken-hearted and jealous. I think she made a huge tactical error in broaching the subject to the press.
It ( Tranny Jessica Simpson ) looks like Anna Nicole Smith.
* Carrie Underwood is waaaay prettier & much Talented than Jessica Simpson could ever Imagine.
umm call logs can be deleted - duhhh lol and if she actually went as far as doing that, oh yeah there is a huge trust issue here so this relationship is on the outs.
I agree DD, Carrie won round 1 for Jessica to admit this.
Tony needs to read between, under, above and the actual lines here and get the hell out quickly.
I guess since other daughter is preggy and married, daddy-poo has to try and make Jessica sexy now and sell her "beer & perfume" stuff and I do emphasis the word TRY
sorry but I scanned the picture again - the best looking object is the friggin HAY.
She looks dreadful in this picture - difinately a "trying to look sexy and it just didn't work" shot for me and this was the best choice they had - omg laughing as I walk away.
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