If there's anything better than shoes and gossip with fresh coffee, I don't know what it is. But, Suri got some cool new green shoes and it didn't seem to make her happy. Neither did painting her own pottery with her mom. Hint, if your kid is in diapers and sucking bottles, she's too young to paint pottery. But, I think what really has Suri down is that All My Sons hasn't sold enough tickets. Box office sales are slow and sad and there's speculation the play could face and early closing. If that's true Katie needs to find another job real quick or she'll have to move back in with Tom after months of sweet freedom. Man, that's gotta sting. Tom hogging all the closets, Tom wearing all your high heels, Tom telling you his mom and sis are coming for lunch and staying two years. Tom giving you a framed picture of David Miscavige for the bedside table. Peachy life.
i'm sure the scientology rank and file will buy up all the tickets! all sea orgs must serve the higher ups! Buy buy buy the tickets, applaud, enjoy....dissenters will be given 24 hours of straight auditting....
I wonder who Tom knew to get Katie this gig? It isn't because of her talent, thats for sure! The green shoes are not my cup-o-tea today. Whoever makes them, in Italy or France probably kept seeing Suri in the gold ones and decided it was time for a change and sent them out, probably in many colors. For free of course. Just one mention by Katie about the shoes and who makes them is enough to make it worth it! Being rich and famous = get expensive stuff free, that you can now afford! Sadly, most of us can't Katie.
she can always get pregnant again -it looks like her days of being an actress is over
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