Jessica to The Herald: “I’ve completely jumped into the country world. Really I just feel like I’m back to my roots as a southern girl, being from Texas and all. It’s the music that I would listen to growing up. I would also listen to and I am a fan of pop music, but it’s not an honest place for me as an artist.”
The word "artist" sure gets tossed around by a lot of shlubs who don't own a dictionary, huu? Name one of her "artistic" tunes without Google. G'head, I dare ya. For those of you new to America, I don't think Texas is considered "southern" by most Americans. Texas is like a unique (fucked up, retarded) country all it's own and apparently they shoot beavers.
There's tons of space in comments for you to tell me how great Texas is. Go right ahead, I need laugh. Send me a photo of your 10 gallon beaver trophy humping a jackelope.
Tranny,Jessica Simpson... the skank is Talentless,too fugly for words and dumber than a brick.
Texas is South Western. The Carolinas are " Southern " for sure. I am a Virginian but I consider us more Mid_Atlantic.
Now I've seen everything... I can't recall her getting caught doing this before, especially after being so preachy about Britney etc.
I don't see a poon shot here! she may have thot something was stuck to her shoe. She's pretty. Compare urself to her in the mirror. Who has all the money? She can sing to a moderate degree. I think most of her money of late has been from retail sales of her merchandise lines.
OMG! I saw a snippet of Nick Lachey's new show last night. It's the dumbest thing ever. Couldn't even get thru 3 minutes of it. It will be gone asap. How'd he get a show anyways? He sucks.
I wouldn't mind looking like Jess. She has beautiful legs and figure. And she likes her natural nose, which gets points with me!
Take a breath anon 9:27.
I don't think she's ugly, but there is no denying that she is as dumb as a brick and whether someone has money or not doesn't make them a better person. Charles Manson has sold more albums than me and I'm guessing you too - SFW?
Could be the line of her panti-hose, I can't really tell from that photo but if you think poon flashing in front of the paps is an accident I have some chicken in a can that might interest you...
texas is not the south....you are correct DD that it's own fucked up country!
pop music isn't an HONEST place for her to be as an artist??? so her 'pop' music was a lie???
she's a tard...tardass from texass...getting out of that car she was probably reminding herself "one foot in front of the other..."
Take a breath so we can listen to You, drina?
No thanks.
Take a breath before your head deflates from all the air in it.
The trolls are lurking around today - what happened? Did Just Jared got his head stuck up the youngest Jonas Brother's arse and miss an update?
Oh... I get it.
Because someone disagrees with Delirious Disher and her ass-kissing rat pack.
Drina you hurt little anon 9:27 feelings. Groupies dont like it when you make fun of there gods!
9:27 or 6:41 your last post the only ass kisser I see is you.
Your post at 9:27 was a mess. Re-read it and you will see what Drina was talking about.
People who live in glass ~states~ shouldn't throw stones.
drina...are you a respiratory therapist? All you seem to want to say on here is "take a breath"...STFU! Bitch.
Now with all your oxygen...go blow Bill...he's waiting.
Well put, anon 5:43. She drivels on in her own posts, right after trying to shut up other posters, like all petty little loser narcissists who try to make everything about them.
Anon, it's so cute that you think I care.
your right texas is like its own little country because it WAS its own country. and it is unique, every time a person travels outside of texas everyone wants to know what it's like and how we live. texas IS southern it's at the SOUTH end of the country look at the map dumbass.
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