There's a rare sneak peak at the upcoming episode where Jon and Kate get married again with all the kiddies in white and Kate, no doubt, wearing a free designer gown. The leis are worn because this is in Maui! How exciting, right? The family is taking another free vacation, but, they just got back from a free beach vacation where they saw the wild horses of N. Carolina. And millions of viewers are still mad because all they do now is go on vacations and to events and neither one of the parents has a job. But, what really has viewers pissed right now is that Jon and Kate are looking at and rejecting multi million dollar properties and houses because they aren't big enough or layed out right for the special family. They have 8 kids, don't you know that?? You can virtual tour the almost two million dollar house the Gosselin's turned their noses down at on last weeks "vacation" episode. HERE is is. The Gosselins now have enough free money to build a custom home and I thought it was nice of them to break it to us gently. Thoughtful..the poor Gosselins, in that ratty 4 bedroom, 3 bath free home they live in now. We must do better by the Gosselins.
And me? I think it's hilarious and hope Kate gets more freebies and sponsors and "love offerings" so she can continue to entertain me with her diva-tude as she shows off her free tummy tuck, spa treatments, and pro stylist touches while barking orders and insulting everyone in her family (and everyone in the state of Pa. which from the sounds of things, they will be leaving soon) from her throne. I love how Kate begs on camera for more free stuff. "Oh, Jon, we could really use a new camera," Kate will say pointedly. The next week, they have a new camera and the cam pans to a close up of the brand name. Hell, yeah, Kate, way to work it, girl! This show should now be called Kate, Kate Plus More Kate..and you know what? That's fine with me, it's called entertainment. I cannot wait until they start building the new custom mansion. Free. Hell yeah. The people who hate Queen Kate are now as entertaining as Queen Kate herself. Let the shit storm fly.
And me? I think it's hilarious and hope Kate gets more freebies and sponsors and "love offerings" so she can continue to entertain me with her diva-tude as she shows off her free tummy tuck, spa treatments, and pro stylist touches while barking orders and insulting everyone in her family (and everyone in the state of Pa. which from the sounds of things, they will be leaving soon) from her throne. I love how Kate begs on camera for more free stuff. "Oh, Jon, we could really use a new camera," Kate will say pointedly. The next week, they have a new camera and the cam pans to a close up of the brand name. Hell, yeah, Kate, way to work it, girl! This show should now be called Kate, Kate Plus More Kate..and you know what? That's fine with me, it's called entertainment. I cannot wait until they start building the new custom mansion. Free. Hell yeah. The people who hate Queen Kate are now as entertaining as Queen Kate herself. Let the shit storm fly.
have you ever watched the duggars? they seem a little more down to earth...
how do WE get a show so we can beg for freebies??
The Duggers won with more than twice the kids that Kate was able to spew, but, the mom's too nice for me. I likes me some mean ass lazy Kate. You already have a show on the tube and you don't have to own 50 stinky potty chairs..lol.
yeah, the duggars are VERY nice....like they're living in the 50's or something...
hmmm.....maybe i'll make a video asking for stuff! :D
i have been watching this show for a while but have always thought she was a bitch. she was some kind of nurse before she quit to have all those kids. do u think she will go back once they are in school? no, doubt it. but when those kids get older & there isnt much attention on them, she just might have to go to work to afford the lifestyle she has given them kids right now. way to go on raising your kids to think that everyone owes you something. i feel sorry for jon. but then again, he married her & helped create all them kids with her.
is it me or does anyone else think all those kids do are nap?
It's clear from the way they are planning on having a house with special film crew accomadations that Kate has no plans to stop filming her little money makers any time soon. Which means never.
who are these people? and why don't they work? and why are people giving them free stuff? and how do i get a gig like that?
We were on the same flight leaving Maui as Jon and Kate plus 8. Let me just say that everyone who saw this group coming was praying they were not on our flight--well they were. Four airport police were keeping people away from them because they are "celebrities." Well, if the airport police wasn't there I would have never wondered what was going on. Kate was reading a magazine while here children were being loud and acting very spoiled. Oh, I do have kids and mine never acted that way. The kids were fighting and Kate nor Jon bothered to step in to keep them quiet and respectful of all the other people there. Kate was reading a book and didn't see Jon. Let's just say that enough is enough of Jon and Kate plus 8 and we as a society need to stop watching them. They, Jon and Kate, need to have some parenting lessons also. First and foremost children should be taught to be respectful and not focused only on themseleves--but I guess they learn from their parents.
OK. Why does it bug so many of you that they make very good money off the show, and get free trips and other freebies? I am sure that the show generates way more money than it spends on trips, payments and all.
You don't run up everyone elses ass for what they can and do purchase or how their children act. This may be advertised as a reality show, but ALL reality shows are well choregraphed.
And it seems that people are taking the words of their acquaintances as absolute truth, when I am sure there are shades of truth being told, or mavbe just made up stories. I can think of a lot of families who would not like to have their relatives tell the world what they think of how they conduct their lives. No different here. I really don't care. I enjoy the show for the entertainment. That's all. It is their life not mine.
And, please gag me with the Duggars. Very nice people, but they seem to be a sect all of their own, and much less interesting to watch. Soooo they don't have a regular show!
These kids will grow up soon, then Jon and Kate will have run their course. If their fame continues beyond that, we will be able to congratulate them on being very clever and resourceful, and they will have earned it.
Good comment, barb. Yep, I like it for entertainment too. If the kids have problems from being raised in front of cams then they can write a tell all someday. Everyones childhood sucks.
It kills me when people take fuckin fertility drugs, have a billion kids because of it then have every damn thing handed to them !!! Gimme a damn break!
Can you imagine having sex with one of those Duggar parents? O M G, they are the dorkiest freaks on the planet.
Duggers are SCARY SCARY SCARY. I get freaked by the duggers. But you're bang on with the assessment of Kate/product placements--so transparent.
I have a major problem with the exploitation of children.
Bottom line.
That is all she wrote.
Do not pass go and collect a salary off your tiny flesh by allowing a production company to film them from dawn to dusk 3-4 times a week, year round. Completion of this train wreck includes the installation of permanent lights and cameras in their not-of- the- age-of-consent children’s rooms/home in an attempt to capture their every move, including the most private of bathing and eliminating bodily waste.
Due to the greed of their parents, Jon and Kate Gosselin, film company Figure 8 Films, network TLC, numerous corporate sponsors (such as Gap, Gymboree, Juicy Juice, and Disney) and lax Federal and State child labor laws which offer no protection to children that are filmed in “reality TV” shows/series, there is no “get out of jail free card” for these kids. They are gravy train chattel chugging down the networks of International TV, and there ain’t no one about to let these children jump the track.
It is a dangerous shame.
It all started seemingly innocent enough, though through hindsight and recent expose, nothing about the Gosselins is innocent.
Nothing at all.
ok what the fuck is wrong with u people there is absolutely nothing wrong with jon and kate they r doing what is best for there family and if u dont fucking like it then change the damn channel and stop writing these dumb things and complaining and get a fucking life. Just because they go on vacations doesnt mean they ask for it. tlc probably plans those trips so they can get more viewers because it would get boring watching the kids play at home everyday so they have to go to some places. u people really really need to stop caring about how other people raise their kids. and for ur information kate had like a billion shows that she had the same camera and then jon got her one for CHRISTMAS! and if u people really cared then u would watch the damn show before u get on ur computer and talk shit about people. and for who ever wrote that kate is lazy are u fucking crazy do u even see what she does for her family? u people make me so mad.
you guys are being so stupid.... seriously....if you hate them that much then just DON'T WATCH THE SHOW!!!! Common sense. Now everyone just get on with your lives and stop trying to control other peoples lives cause as much as you try Jon and Kate are still going to raise THEIR kids the way THEY want. why does everyone have to write about how much they hate people! Just leave them alone. Its hard enough being a celebrity and then you have people on sites like this talking trash about you. Calm down and get on with YOUR life.
state of education; esp. the poster that can't seem to stop using the f word
Some of the people on this blog actually know the Gosselins and are willing to tell the truth about their scam.
Aunt Jodi's sister's blog.
Julie, (Aunt Jodi's sister), explains why Jodi isn't on the show anymore and shares other tidbits of 'inside information' / 'behind the scenes drama'.
Well some people on this blog actually know the family and willing to tell you differently. So somewhere in the middle lies the truth. I agree leave this family alone.
Nobody on gosselinsDONTneedourpity knows J&K. LOL. I'm friends with the woman who started it and she gets her giggles knowing some of you are reading & believing it.
Your are no friend of mine and I have no idea who you are. And what is it that I get my giggles about? Do you people ever stop? I am the woman who started GDNNOP and I do not approve of your message!
Nina Bell
LOL! This is my new favorite blog. I'm bookmarking you, dirtydisher!
oh my word you people never seem to suprise me!!!!!!! kate gosselin is the shit and so is her family. don't be jealous because you can never be like her. you people run around to every blog you can get your hands on just to rag on kate! that's so sad. the kids look happy to me...your kids are most likely the miserable ones. anyone that believe's a word they see on GWoP is a complete idiot. anyone can post anonymous and say "oh i know kate, she is a bitch, she eats terds for breakfast, her fingernails have a fungus, she exploits her children, and i invited my kids over for icecream and she yelled at them!" By the way, someone actually did try to pull that shit on another blog. They claimed to be Kate's neighbor and said they sent their kid over to see if Cara and Mady wanted to eat icecream, but Kate yelled at the child and told her to go away. It turns out the person was a lier and didn't even live in Pennsylvania. People are freaks these days. Hats off to Jon and Kat for being the shit!
I also think that http://gosselinsdonotneedourpity.blogspot.com/ is awesome! that is a place to find a balanced discussion. GWoP is worthless and those low life old hags need to get a life. Especially that bitch Serena!
It took a little while to get going, but I'd say we have a shit storm! And it looks like you even got a couple of posts from the Gosselins themselves. Well done!
If you want to get a lot of traffic to your blog, keep writing about the Gosselins.
is this blog a wanta be perezhilton.com????? i do agree that the duggars are pretty damn creepy!
I have to assume that the 2 anonymous bloggers who stuck up for J&K and told all the "nay sayers" to get a life, are J&K themselves. I guess this just proves that you have way too much time on your hands if you can surf the net all day instead of RAISING YOUR CHILDREN. I always find it funny when bloggers tell other bloggers to get a life when in essence, they're doing the exact same thing.
J&K are money hungry attention whores and who can blame them. If I had 8 kids and someone offered to pay me to have my own show, give me freebies and pay for my trips, etc. I'd do it in a heartbeat. The only difference is I'd be honest about it.That's my only beef with these 2 idiots. All they do is lie and I'm sure at some point it'll catch up to them.
J&K I know you're both out there so stop hiding behind some anonymous post and just speak your mind....AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(exclamation points are just for Kate)
are you kidding me??? i posted two anonymous posts! i can assure that i am not jon or kate! just because someone takes up for them does not mean that they are jon and kate posing as anonymous! have you ever heard jon and kate tell a lie? just because your pals at GWoP say they have "insider information" doesn't mean that they actually do. you will believe anything you see obviously. that truth shall set you free bullshit is such a joke. someone should tell those fire crotch whores julie and jodi to fuck off!
"mean ass lazy Kate"
Oh my god that is funny.
Kate is so funny, she really does think she is the Queen Diva. Come on everyone, you have to at least admit she can be a real diva bitch at times, and she does love those freebies.
How hilarious was it when she thought it was just fine to ask the good old doctor to throw in a boob job with the free tummy tuck? That woman is a real ball buster.
Cute picture though. I think the vow renewal is so manufactured and a joke, but they all look adorable in that picture.
Well, I can tell you all, I know Jon and Kate as I am their cousin's best friend's uncle's accountant's dog walker's girlfriend, and they are horrible people.
I hear they don't always recycle *Gasp* Duh duh DUH!
I read these comments and it's either laugh or cry. I choose to laugh!
Oh, and Anonymous (Iluveeyore)
You are too creepy for words.
OMG get a fucking LIFE "anonymous"(the one who is so obviously concerned about J&K that they have to resort to all the name calling). It seems like such harsh words for someone who "doesn't know the G's". As bad as the rest of us may be about mentioning how FAKE J&K are, you're even worse trying to defend them and calling Jodi and Julie bad names. I don't think Jodi or Julie really give a shit what you think since I believe they have better things to do. J&K on the other hand have people taking care of their children, doing their laundry, cleaning their house, running their errands and they have NO JOBS since they get everything for free and get paid to be liars, so they have nothing but time on their hands. With this extra time, they go around from blog to blog calling everyone names. You guys must be related, yes? LOL, you really do crack me up!
gj how about you get a life too. we're clearly posting on the same blog, so you must need a life too! nope not related to kate just like her and i will call julie and jodi any name i like such as bitches, fire crotch, slut whore, etc. you're pretty much a bitch whore too....i can't believe you're taking time out of your busy schedule's of writing sponsors and "advocating for the kids" to play on here. how sad your life must be!
OMG you people are so funny!!!!
All this Exploiting BS is getting on my nerves thou. You say J&K are exploiting the kids yet you watch the show! WTF you are part of it you really think J&K are in charge they are pawns to the production company and all the sponsors. It is because of the VIWERS that the show is a hit not because of Jon or Kate. I am not I fan of either of them (they both seem neurotic and lazy and their parenting skills are questionable but not my problem) the kids are cute and funny and I catch the show occasionally but that’s it once I change the channel or turn off the tube I could care less about J&K. It pisses me off when people try to say we're trying to help the kids or contact these companies to cancel the show yet they tune in for every episode and even DVR it to watch it over and over again! SICK! J&K plus 8 isn't All My Children it isn't going to run for 30-40 years it will come to an end! You want to know when, when the viewers find a new family to exploit (since the life of a show depends on viewer-ship we are the true exploiters.) Because that’s what we do in America. So don’t try to put yourself on a pedestal saying we’re here to help the kids. Just watch the show, diss the parents and keep bloging because it’s really is fun. But don't bullshit yourself trying to say your trying to help the kids PLEASE!
How sad my life must be says the one who's responding to my posts, LOL, you should have your own show! Oh and your posts are soooo original. You're such a cunning linguist!
"..nope not related to kate just like her and i will call julie and jodi any name i like such as bitches, fire crotch, slut whore, etc. you're pretty much a bitch whore too"
LOL, that's not very nice, tsk tsk.
Yep you're definitely related to the G's
Irina, is that you posting as anonymous?
I don't much like the Gosselin style of parenting. The Duggars may give off a cultish vibe, but at least their kids are well-mannered and the family doesn't have their collective hand out for freebies.
7,2 and 2
You are so right on!
Thank Anon and it's 7,5, and 2 LOL the ages of my angels LOL i wish no but they COULD be nice thou but their choice is to drive us up a wall and around the ceiling LOL
LMAO, who asked when did Jon and Kate lie? Cause, sugar, they lie every time they open their yaps. Oh, my I must sell these outdated photos of the children because they have no college funds. Shhh, we just pretend those TAP accounts don't exist. And surely you don't expect us to put the money Figure 8 and TLC is giving us to actually go towards the little money makers. Why, heavens, no.
Just leave them alone. Its hard enough being a celebrity Oh, boo hoo, yeah, big celebs with their 2.2 million viewers. Barely scrapping by on the D list there. But if you don't want to be a celeb get your tummy tucked, hair plugged, teeth whitened, sextuplet incubating uterus off the boob tube. You don't like the consequences for being on the idiot box then stop the show or shut it.
It turns out the person was a lier and didn't even live in Pennsylvania. Oh, yeah, that's right no one is allowed to post on the Internet unless they are in their own home. Yeah, I'm sure Kate and Jon boy left their lap tops at home too. Not. As if Jon would give up one day with his peeps on Facebook. Or writing threatening emails to every site that dares to say his hunny bunny ain't such a great catch. He hasn't change one wit since he began his style of posting on the local letter to the ed and triplet sites
betty boop go fuck yourself you! you sound like a fuck-tard!
No, I am not Kate or Jon. All of the haters do this: get a TV show and tell me you won't get paid, take freebies that are offered to you, take trips that you are asked to take to make the show interesting. If you say no to what you have earned you are an idiot. Do you refuse your pay check at the end of the week? Do you give back your bonus, if you receive one? Real life. Try it. You will be a happier person and hate less. Or, maybe not. The internet brings out all sorts of crazies.
Jon (aka Annoymous) I do take my paycheck at the end of the week but I don't have my kids earn it for me. Do you kiss your kids with that mouth??????
you keep making yourself look so dumb lady! just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are jon or kate posting anonymous! you people are so obsessed with the way they live their life. who gives a rats ass if they get free stuff? i sure don't. can you honestly say you wouldn't take the freebies? don't give me the "i would never exploit my children yadi yadi ya bull shit" either! they are not exploiting them, the kids seem to be having a good time in disneyworld, sesame place, and every other place they have been to. You people say the kids are working so hard and j&k are lazy bums that don't work. that doesn't make sense. if you say the kids are "working" then jon and kate must be "working" too! if i had the opportunity to stay home and not have to work and get shit handed to me...guess what? i'd take that chance asap! keep fooling yourself by saying you wouldn't.
My My My. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. All of you who despise these people- change the channel. To all of you who think these guys are poor or need your pity, change the channel. Nuf Said.
I agree. Lets all change the channel --- what's on comedy central anyway?
Forget TV and bring the popcorn. So, Jon and his facebook pals strike again. Such lovely language. Could care less about the show but this internet battle of Oh, dear must defend that poor Jon and Katie from the big bad internet when who do I spy sitting on the bed on her laptop on TV! Why, hello, Katie.
And, Jon, loved your posts on the local Berks County paper and Triplet connection. Glad to hear you may finally get lei'd. Woot, a big day for you.
Geez people. I see this "you must be jon or kate or their pr rep" directed at anyone who defends them. Is it so hard for you haters to believe that someone besides jon and kate have different opinion than you do?
Not everyone feels the need to pick apart everything on that show. Like me, for example. I think that if they are doing something awful, it will come out. Peddling the story all over the internet does not make it so, it just makes you all seem crazy.
no one takes facebook groups that serious except for you morons that want to pick a fight with someone that doesn't think jon and kate are worthless. it's just a groups on facebook. i have facebook and i'm not even in the freakin group. you GWoP folks are some kind of crazy!
I don't care if they get free stuff. I know for a fact that if I had 8 kids to raise, I'd take the freebies too. My problem with the G's is that they keep telling the same "woe is me" story of how they have to budget to take the kids out on their special days, they budget to be able to buy new clothes, or they're struggling to make Jon's "paycheck" stretch, etc. Enough bullshit! I just want them to admit they get this stuff for free. Tell people that they aren't struggling because it's all paid for by the sponsors and figure 8. It's OK that they do take the freebies and I agree that if anyone here says they wouldn't take it, they're lying or stupid. If J&K would just stop being pretenders, I'd be fine with things.
I do think K is a horrible bitch who treats her husband poorly and her kids even worse. She never has anything good to say and all she does is yell. She has no business raising kids with that sort of attitude and personality.
Is it really true they are cancelling the show??? I heard that it is too much "diva" behavior and backlash from the public. It's creating a firestorm at TLC and is taking away from the intent of the programming. I guess they never expected such behavior. Jen is probably getting fired and sponsors are sick of the backlash I guess. 8 people do not make the world go round I guess.
Good Bye J&K and I wonder what new show will be replacing them.. Ps
I heard they don't even know yet, but again, from a friend of a friend. Is this public knowledge???
Aunt Jodi just released a video on her sister's blog, Truth Breed Hatred, confirming that everything on the blog is true, so suck it doubters!
And just to clarify, only the poorly written, foul-language infused posts defending Jon and Kate are actually written by Jon and Kate. The posts that defend Jon and Kate which are of mediocre writing quality are from the PR firm, and the completely unintelligible posts defending Jon and Kate are from the Facebook groupies.
it's all true...your are so fucking stupid! go choke on a pecker or someting! aunt jodi could have atleast combed her hair for the video...she is so fugly! yuck! she can say whatever she wants, but she still looks just as bad by handling family matters all over the internet instead of privately! if my sister-in-law pissed me off, i would have to say something to her face! i wouldn't get my sister to do it for me. what's even worse is when she does speak out it's over the internet! did i miss something because i thought she was a grown woman not 12?
I could respond but I think "jana's" comment says it all.
Lovely post, Jana.
And that, Jon and Kate, is what your fans are like. They can't make any valid points so they just spew profanity and ignorance. Yep, those are the kinds of people I would want obsessing over my kids and calling themselves my "fans".
Jon...or should I say Jana...because I can't believe anyone would be that crude and get that worked up unless they felt people were trying to take away their gravy train...Jodi, from what we saw on TV, was natural and nice and soft spoken, and we get that you don't know about that kind of personality, but it was pleasant to see her actually interact with your kids and hers. BTW, people who feel the need to cuss usually have very low IQs and can't think of any other word to use. You think J&K want fans like that? You think the sponsors do?
What's this rumor about the show being canceled? Never heard that one. TLC can go ahead and cancel, but Figure8Films will just shop it to another channel.
TLC does have decent programming for the most part. However, I am not impressed by Figure8's accomplishments.
I have seen "grannie" spreading that rumor on all kinds of blogs today. I think she is trying to pose as a well known poster that frequents IMP.
What's IMP? And wow, I'd sure be proud to have such vulgar language spewing posters claiming to be fans if I was Jon, Kate or one of the eight. I had to scroll down and skip 99 percent of the posts. I have seen bits and pieces of this show and I've been curious who watches these reality TV family shows. Now I see I can't be the target demographic because I don't swear like a drunken frat boy. Really, people that watch shows about little kids talk like this? The mind it boggles.
IMP=Imperfect Parent Blog. Grannie is probably just Friend trying to imitate that Darlene/GrandmaFrKs woman that posts at IMP. This overpublicized show doesn't get enough viewers to sell to another network. Are we supposed to think that Jon and Kate follow GWOP around and post wherever they do? I'm from Missouri. Show me.
Wow. Such intense feelings over a show. Regardless of our opinion over the show, the fact that so many people post on here with strong language and intense feelings makes one wonder if this is another way to get people to watch the show- or if some of the people that post on here are rather lonely and have emotional problems to post in such a way. I agree with one post- if you don't like it = don't watch it.
Gee, thanks for the advice, superior anonymous poster above. Such insight! If only everyone in the blogosphere were as thoughtful and grounded as you, what a peaceful utopia it would be.
yes it would-- wouldn't it.
yes it would-- wouldn't it.
To the he poster "Merchandise Dollar Generasl Store"~
You should know when you use someone else's article, or a part thereof, you should credit the source.
In this case it would be me, Bohemian Moon, from "Musings from the Moon" http://blog.psychic-wisdom.net.
In the future, please do not plagiarize articles and post them as your own.
Yes because bohemianmoon is a complete loser and wants the world to know that she is responsible for a stupid site that bashes the family. I am not sure what some people are trying to accomplish by running hate sites. Bohemianmoon...get a real job!
Dear Jon and Kate
First: No not everyone hates you; but there is something rotten going on in your household. You put yourselves in a reality show, so now you have to deal with the criticims. And, no, its not jealousy. Its embarrasement. Any christian out there- especially those who attend AG, are embarrassed at the way Kate treats Jon. Ofcourse all couples disagree and banter here and back. But, treating your spouse like a child and telling your spouse to take the stick out… well, its not very christianly. No, we are not perfect, but since you know that you are going to be on tv, why not soften the blow to each other. We AG goers would appreciate it:)
Secondly, the whole cancel the church appearances is pretty crazy and really plays into the publics view that you are money hungry. Don’t get me wrong, putting 8 kids through college will require money; but canceling at short notice - its just not right- and to ask for $25,000- wow. That’s how much some folks make in a year! The tidbits here and there where finances are an issue are beginning to bother us all. We all now by know that you ARE NOT starving and that you are rather well off. Honestly, some of us come from huge- no ginormous households and somehow our parents managed. So, please, let go of the money stuff. I mean really, my last vacation was in 02 and we just can’t afford another one right now with todays economy. SO, I am thinking that if u can take vacations, then you are doing just fine. And, we know all about the endorsements. So please - no more about “we need ” this and that. Go ahead, buy the big house, but no more money needs talks even on your webpage. I mean, you guys are “celebrities ” now and seriously, the state of Penn should not have to support you either and we hope that they are not.
Thirdly, how about more of the kids and less of Kate and Jon. Hey we don’t hate you…. its just that the whole idea of the show in the first place was the multiples and thier day to day interactions, not Kate’s rantings, or Jons hairplugs, etc.
Fourthly, we all know about Jodi and why all of the help seems to go away after time. I am a control freak myself. I run my home a certain way and that’s the way I like it. But, really, cutting off family for $$$ issues- really. Let’s be honest, Jodi was so much softer than Kate (not saying that Kate does not love her children-we can see on the issue every now and then that she does) but Jodi showed loving affection something you guys seem to busy to do (really- worrying about the color of the hair clips is not important- let them mismatch Kate- kids are suppossed to be colorful anyway). Or, maybe the both of you can stop worrying about the insignificant things and get down to your kids eyeview and tell them how important and wonderful they are. It’ll be worth more to them than painting themselves with chocolate pudding.
Fifth: Every couple can use therapy and you with multiples can defenitly use some alone time. It will help Kate’s control issues and help Jon be more assertive. I know , I know, I have heard that Kate as poly cystic OS. I have it too, but really, you can control those hormonal rantings if that’s what you are blaming it on. Or, perhaps it was the way that Kate was brought up- I hear ya. I have been their myself - my father was a strict christian man and ran a house of 11 like an army. But, Kate we are suppossed to grow and let things go. So please, get some therapy- no, not because you are crazy, but because it will refresh you, it will calm you down and it will help you see what is really important in life.
Bottom line: you have made it clear that you are christians- now lets make the changes and see a reflection of what a christian household is rth. Then again, why change, it helps your ratings doesn’ it ? to keep the kids in last place, worry about how poor you are and treat each other disrespectfully. So what’s more important then: Your children, your fellow christians respect or money and ratings?
ITs time for change folks…. its time for change.
How do you really know that Jon and or Kate are not in therapy. Do you live with them?
I don't believe Christian values means coming on a board like this and giving it to someone. You just wanted to tell them off.
Very Christian of you.
Wrong- I was not telling them off. Telling them off would be some of the comments where folks refer to Kate in less than endearing terms. "giving it to someone" as you mentioned would be more of a jealous tone, and no, not everyone here is jealous.
I simply wanted to point out that if they could just return to thier roots, let go of the money issues, and show a bit more respect towards one another, it would be more christianly.
I do pray that they are in therapy. And, as I mentioned, not everyone here hates them. Some of us just think that thier behavior is shameful. I did mention that not everyone is perfect and that we all argue in our marriages, but the way that Kate speaks to her husband is not christianly at all. I am NOT saying that she has to be a quiet mouse. A relationship should be 50/50; I don't see that with them which leads me to believe that she may NOT be in therapy. But, again, I pray that they both are for the sake of the wonderful kids.
Question about this:
"How do you really know that Jon and or Kate are not in therapy. Do you live with them? "
What makes you think otherwise?
Just curious
I do not have an opinion one way or the other. That would be a judgment someone would make if they really knew the person. Not the person that is on a Reality TV show. I have seen enough of this show to know to turn it off. However, it really bothers me when people make a judgment call like this person did in the name of Christianity. And this is coming from a Christian. It would also be like me stating she needs therapy based on the little information I have. And again how does anyone know that they are not already receiving services. Do they need to be told to seek such services anymore than this person does. She had her say and now I have had mine. And another thing, did you right the book on what a Christian household is like. If you did, I would like to read it.
I meant write the book
No need to write the book, its alrady written- the bible.
Paul and Timothy both write on how a woman should be a vessel of honor and how husbands should treat thier wives with respects, etc, etc. I am a biblical scholar but I will not get into that now. This blog is for opinions and I have stated mine as you have stated yours and there is really no reason for either one of us to take this so seriously.
I will say this: I do not watch the show. Ever since I saw the Christmas episode I decided I rather pray for these folks than watch them. I hope they all end up well.
And that is my end of opinions on this site.
Take care everyone!
There is no way the foul mouth comments could be from Kate and Jon's family because the have alienated their entire family!!! I thought Christians are suppose to be forgiving????
It is WRONG for parents to use their kids as tools of revenge, and isn't that what Kate and Jon are doing by eliminating everyone important in their lives. You are teaching your kids that people are disposable and that is a HORRIBLE!!!! message to send.
Jon and Kate, sometimes you put the needs of your kids in front of your own personal feelings - LET THEM SEE AUNT JODI AND THEIR COUSINS!!!!!
PS - Remember Star Jones on the View??? Of course you don't because she was kicked off because she turned people off when she "promote" all the freebies she received for her wedding. Use that as a lesson and learn from her mistakes.
All gwoppers are evil doers
Someone please explain to me the point of Jody's video.....she's done nothing but fuel an angry witch hunt against Kate.
If she loves the kids so much, why would she contribute to a blog that constantly makes fun of them and their parents? Does St. Jodi really think that's good for them? Yeah, you gwoppers claim to be "advocates" for the kids but anyone who's read that blog(any sane person, anyway)can see that they just use that as an excuse to snark without appearing jealous or petty. Guess that backfired, huh?
I am all for a good snark session and Kate hands out plenty of ammo weekly, but dang people, You are doing too much. Why do you care where Kate's mom works, or where she and Pa Gosselin live? Are you planning to visit them? I can't imagine there is a good excuse for digging up dirt on them. Seriously.
That goes for the rest of the family too, brothers, sisters, cousins...can any of you who participate in this crap actually tell me that you don't see how creepy this is, or why anyone would accuse the posters on that blog of acting like a bunch of stalkers?
the gwoppers are evil doers
I see Paul Peterson has made a comment to Jon and Kate. I suppose he is an evil doer too? What's with the new but unimproved web site made by a CA firm? Fluff and the same inability to use spell check. And on this new site where, hmm, Jon or Kate or both discuss evil could be repaided with evil if they so chose to do so. Very interesting.
So, Jon and Kate, tell us about the evil. Is it more evil then forcing your children to be enslaved to Figure 8 and TLC for more years so you get to retrace Jon's Europe backpacking trip? Is it more evil then disregarding the 10 commandments about honoring your parents and the other 8 you also ignore?
enslaved? Seriously...think before you start hitting buttons on your little keyboard. I don't think any child would consider going to theme parks as being slaved. They don't even have to clean their room, so please explain how they are slaves? I would enjoy the laugh. Paul Peterson is a moron obviously. He can say what he wants, but it will not change my mind.
WOW, I am so amazed at all the spew that spills forward from all sides of this. I watch the show all the time, LOVE them, but I do see the flaws and their faults of their ways and the show, but I still watch ALL the time because I see it for what it is--ENTERTAINMENT!!
IF their childern are being as "destroyed" as you all feel they are, only Jon and Kate will eventually have to deal with that--you people certaintly aren't going to be dealing with it. I suggest you look at it as a learning experience so that you don't do to your families the "devasting harm" you claim they are doing. Just remember, once something is on the internet it's hard to get rid of it, and these kids will eventually be old enough to be able to read all this disgusting, negative, reactions against the people they love and hold dear--explain how that helps them!!!
For those who love the show, like me, we watch till we can watch no more. Eventually the children will grow up and, unfortunately, they won't be so cute anymore, and frankly, as with everything, the public won't care as much, or be as interested to see 60 episodes of 8 pre-teens or teenagers hating life and their parents- (I get that at home- my oldest is 12, LOL) As with everything, including celebrities, the 15 minutes of fame will eventually be up, and we all will move on to something else!!
Do you not realize that with ANY publicity, good or bad, it keeps the show going!! If those of you who are so against what is happening just shut up and stop making such big deals of EVERYTHING Jon, Kate, the children, the family, the sponsors, etc. do, the show wouldn't last as long as it has!!
Good Grief, I agree with those posters who believe that you people who have nothing better to do than create MORE drama, both good and bad, must absolutely have no life, because it is true- if you wasted half the energy toward doing something good for YOUR OWN families and YOUR OWN communities instead of creating blogs and websites destroying someone else's, I promise you, you will feel so much better, and be a better person!!
BTW, I am a mother of 3 children, age 33, living in Central Florida, I work part time, and go to school full-time. I figured I would have to give a background so that I am not confused as a "Jon and Kate wannabe imposter" because I am actually sticking up for them-sort of anyways- and refuse to do so anonymously because I have no fear of saying what I want to say-whether you all like it or not!!
I feel so much better now!!! I think I will go and post this on all the blogs now- since apparently- I have no life now either, LOL!!!
Very well stated Michelle.
Thank you,
I read Paul Peterson's statement, and I find it hilarious that Gwop thinks this is a huge victory for them.
It sounds to me like he was saying that there are a ton of crazy people on the internet who are way too involved in J+K's life and that of their children, and maybe it's time to wrap it up before one of them snaps.
When they first contacted him, Paul P. sent a statement to gwop basically saying he didn't see any real cause for concern. Doesn't it make sense that now that he's been introduced to all the nutbags through that blog, that maybe he's seen the real danger?
Think about it.
I agree completely!
This has been hilarious to read comments so obviously from Jon and Kate. Wow. Those two are even more pathetic than I thought. Those poor, poor kids!! I can't wait for karma to bite these two.
But it will bite you in the ass first!
Anon 8:18, you gwoppers are so obvious. When faced with a rational point, instead of a defense (because there is none), you start crying that all of those comments must be from J+K. Believe me, there are plenty of other people who see the crazy at gwop besides Jon and Kate, including, evidently, Paul Peterson.
she looks extremely pregnant in that picture. Either that or she wasted that free tummy tuck : x
Holy crap! I just read all this. Welcome Nina Bell (a new site to read!)and Bohemian Moon (I love your site! Been reading there for awhile)and everyone else. Hi!
I'm an Aunt Jodi fan, like Julie's blog, love the GWoP site, it's linked here and I never miss J&K Plus 8. Kate never fails to entertain me with her freakouts and bitchiness. Oh, and their begging. Love it. They could just take the kids off...I'd still watch it. Problem solved. New Gosselin post on the home page here.
Here's just a suggestion for Jon and Kate...Get while the getting's good. Sounds like you're making a lot of enemies. It's true the older your children get, the more privacy they need if your hopes are for them to be happy. Also, Kate--you would have more room in your house/garage if you got rid of some junk....like, oh say..a box of pine cones??? What's up with that? Are you planning on returning them along with all the other freebies? I'm sure there are some families that could use those strollers or the baby's feeding table that are taking up space in your garage. And what a shame that you duped your brother like that! You forgot where it is that you came from woman! WISE UP!!
PEOPLE...i just came across this website while searching for the gosselin's own web site...but you all are so annoying! LEAVE THE FAMILY ALONE!!! if you don't like them then ignore them! geeze it seems to me everyone that doesn't like them are jealous that they get free stuff. If i had 8 kids (6 at one time) i would be so happy that people are willing to give me gifts! so how about everyone stop writing about how much you hate them, stop watching their show if you hate them so much and get on with your life and YOUR kids...
OMG! I'm totally gonna have to check out these other sites. This is hilarious! I ended up here because a friend is doing his video production internship with tlc and he told me about this jk8 love-hate-fest on the internet. I never imagined it was this crazy! We'll have to enjoy it while we can because this show's history soon. Some new shows are being tried out now in some of their time slots. How long has this s4!t storm been going on? urgh! Why do I always miss the good stuff!
I think I read where they were signed on for season 4. So it probably will be on for another year, don't you thinkg?
I am SOOOO over this show. Poor kids. Jon & Kate together -- gag me with a bottle of Purell.
My buddy told me that Seasson 4 is the last season on TLC. I don't know if they will take the show on the road or not, you know, like go to another network or something. I don't know about you but I'm glad about it.
Who here thinks Kate pulled a Loranna Bobbitt? Jon just does not have the equipment to either stand up to her or to take care of his ever expanding family. My suspicion is that Kate has seen to that.
I don't know if I should be posting this here, but I feel as if I need to say something.
I'm not that old, and I am a step mother and in the earlier seasons I loved watching this show because it showed me what normal was for a family. Sometimes spouses fight, and kids will be kids. It honestly made my life feel normal because earlier seasons were just them sitting at home trying to make it through the day, like the rest of us. Sometimes I even felt inspired to be a better step-parent (and real parent when I decide I'm ready to have children)
I usually don't chime in very quickly when it comes to fights and what not (the whole Beth and Jodi issue) but I am really aggravated on how it went from a show, showing their lives...to a show showing how many vacations they go on and all the fun things they do and blah blah blah. Most families can afford 1 vacation a year in the summer...if that.
They're going on vacations every 2 days, what's up with that?
I used to really like Kate, I used to think she was great...but I've done some digging, and sure I'm positive that a lot of it is just rumors...but at the same time I'm positive that it has truth to it.
It went from being about the children, and family..to a big endorsement deal. I have noticed the close ups on all the toys they got (most recent that vtech game)
It's about money, and you realize that their kids are slowly turning into brats, probably for attention and lack of from their parents.
I guess I'm just really disappointed because they used to be role models for me. I really did look up to them, and now to know that they pushed so much help out the door, didn't allow donations because they didn't match or they weren't new. They won't accept any free dealios unless it's top of the line and their getting paid. I'm tired of seeing all the free physical changes they're getting (I didn't mind the lypo, but hair transplants and teeth whitening...I mean come on?)Maybe some counseling.
Their things keep getting nicer and yet they still have their hand reached out for more. I feel bad for the children.
I have never felt so much disappointment over something like this...
This step mom/future mother is very, very disappointed.
(sorry about the long post!)
This step mom/future mother is very, very disappointed.
(sorry about the long post!)"
And I agree completely with all of it! What example does it set for the kids about working and real life when the parents waltz into stores with them and pay for nothing because it's given free? Or go to all these places and get royal treatment (everyone else has to stay away!), up close personal attention from characters, etc? They are not special just because their parents chose to take fertility treatments-when they were early 20's and hadn't even tried having a baby on their own without it yet no less!
I do not care how cute the kids are. There are serious underlying issues--mental, emotional, physical, familial, financial, and so forth. To ignore those issues because the kids are cute is reprehensible.
Gary Coleman was cute--remember him?
His parents ravaged the trust fund set up for him. It should have been worth $8.3 million. He sued in court and won a $1,280,000 ruling. Not even a fourth of what he should have gotten and a I suspect a mere pittance compared to what he really earned.
I know that is one of my concerns and it is a legitimate one.
Also, remember the footage of Hannah naked on thepotty that did not make it on the air but somehow made its way to the Internet? Was removed after 12,000 viewings?
What OTHER footage might have gone astray--to more prurient interests--and what does that footage's release say about the trustworthiness of some of the people working on this project? Pedophiles must be salivating over some of this stuff. I shudder.
What happened to GWoP? It's gone!!
I guess Jon and Hate Plus More of Kate's Hate's PR people managed to TEMPORARILY remove it.
Excellent site, keep up the good work. I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say I’m glad I found your blog. Thanks,
A definite great read…
"Jon And Kate Plus 8...wedding!" is a very nice article and news...
wow gold--wow gold
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