And she is not 50. Madonna had a pack of Kabbalah priests channel her energy and calculate her real "spiritual" age and they told her she's 36. Odd how she looks 50 and there's nothing wrong with that. Anyhow, no one is allowed to wish her happy 50th, so I won't either. I'm busy working on getting someone to calculate my spiritual ass fat poundage, so wtf do I know?
what the fuck is this woman gonna do when she hits 70? work out for 3 hours a day?? ageing happens and someday she'll realize that...
Well, we can certaily see she didn't get a dye job for her birthday. She just looks nasty!
Are you serious, dd? Did she really get some spiritual 'experts' to give her some good news? I don't websurf for stuff like this, so I'm taking you at your word, but this is really horseshit!
who the fuck cares if the old skank turned 50...
she looks weird; her eyes are doing strange things and she looks older than 50. she's trying to look too young.
Well, all that 'sinew' she's so proud of and her low body weight isn't helping to soften that HARD-ass face.
Seriously, I'd rather be 20 lbs overweight and "keep them guessing" at my true age, than be skin and bones and remove any doubt.
Is it just me, or does she look way over 50? I turn 52 this week and don't look like that, but I'm a little curvier.
Happy 50th, I guess.
madonna is an old has been. Too bad she doesn't realize that NO ONE cares about her anymore.
No one like to see naked old ladies!
Does she really think she looks good? There is more to looking good than being skinny. I have nothing against old ladies, but I can't stand seeing old ladies trying too hard to look young, and she's looking like those over-botoxed plastic faced women I see walking around Beverly Hills.
She looks way, way over 50 in this picture. I'm hoping it is a bad one. And here is a woman who could have the best plastic surgeon do whatever. It isn't possible that she's already had surgery and still has this look, is it?
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