I had wondered where Katie got that unflattering dress that made a tall willowy young woman look like a stumpy pregnant butterball..turns out she designed it herself. You'd think it would be enough to be wealthy beyond belief and have people say you aren't a bad actress, but, she still seems determined to find something else she can do. This isn't it, and it must be disappointing to hear people insult it. She looked better when she was hanging out with Posh and Armani. She should look into have that ugly little growth removed. Oh, wait, she married that.
she could STILL have that small growth removed. It's not that hard. A little compound W and it's gone! No more Tommy The Tumor!
I suppose now she'll be comming out with a clothing line in the next few years.
she is a scientologist she can do ANYTHING!! i bet there's at least 2 dozen scientologist-zombies wearing that dress praising her design skills...
People say she IS a bad actress and wealth has nothing to do with taste.
Americans tend to believe wealth is the outcome of virtue so they keep trying to make sense out of people like Kate Holmes.
Maybe she put the same effort into the design of the dress that she put into running the NYC Marathon--
-- an entire 30 minutes.
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