Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Matilda and her scooter

These photos of Matilda Ledger made me smile. Look at her with her own little scooter! That is so cool. So while Matilda is getting to be a big girl, poor Suri Cruise is being compared to her unfavorably, only because Suri still sucks a bottle, wears diapers and swings in the baby harness swing. So I wondered wtf was up with that and went and looked up their birthdates. Matilda Rose was born October 28, 2005, and Suri Cruise was born April 18, 2006. Six months makes a huge difference in a childs development and abilities. So, Suri isn't delayed in my opinion, her parents are for not starting the potty training and sippy cup thing. And Matilda seems advanced in the motor skills area. Matilda is just adorable and I love getting new pics of her, but, I really hope we don't get too many. Know what I mean?
And I really hope everyone knows I was being sarcastic with that "Suri is a tyrant" post the other day. It pissed me off that people can feel free to make up ugly stories about a 2 year old child. Suri is a cutie...her parents are jerks.
An example of Suri's fine motor skills. Well, everyone has boogies. It took Lissa until age three to learn how to handle this in private, and Suri is not three. Pick a winner for daddy, Suri. Heh.


Anonymous said...

the second pix of matilda is great!

Anonymous said...

I still think Suri is a tyrant-in-the-making and that Matilda looks like a gentle soul. DD's blog comments don't affect my opinions, it's just stuff that seems true judging from their parents and their expressions, etc.

I guess we'll see in 10 or 20 years if these indicators reveal those traits or not.

Anonymous said...

It was great to see Matilda's picture and her smiling so much and just being a little girl. At her age, she will only have memories of her daddy, but many people to keep telling her about him, so that is good.
