August 24.....police cars were dispatched to O.J. Simpson's house in Kendall, Fla., after his oldest daughter, Arnelle attacked him. The two had a fight where Arnelle accused her dad of never supporting her mother, Marquerite who has to work at Wal-Mart to make ends meet. Arnelle was upset that Simpson supports his girl friend, Christie Prody. She shoved her father into a glass cabinet and it shattered and knocked him to the ground, he was cut on the back of his head, blood was coming out the side of his mouth and his lip was cut. Arnelle called 911, but, hung up. The call was traced to OJ's house. Simpson declined to press charges.
Arnelle needs to learn how to finish the job. Lets take up a collection and send her a lovely chain saw.
Runs in the family I see...
Apples & trees people!!!!! No shock here! Like duh! Too bad it didn't kill the murderous bastard.
she should have taken a shard of glass and slit his throat! like that would be a crime? it's a public service and appropriate karma!
he probably didn't want to press charges cuz he doesn't want people to know he got his ass kicked by his daughter...
'Arnelle needs to learn how to finish the job. Lets take up a collection and send her a lovely chain saw.'
Thank you. I'm in.
I wouldn't linger too much in dark areas from now on if I were Arnelle...
Crabbie got that right! No sh**!
Why isn't OJ working at Wal-Mart? He deserves to be working there. Except he'd scare away the customers!! Maybe the'd hire him for Halloween??? Where is Arnelle working? What ever happened to Nicoles kids? I think Tommy Cruise adopted the boy!!!
More like, why isn't OJ in JAIL? What the hell happened to those heavy charges he had hanging over his head up in Vegas?
UNCHALLENGED on the chainsaw idea!!! Good 'un, DD!
Living is his punishment. He has to live every day withhis children knowing, and the world reminding him of the deed. Almost Sheakespearean. He loved the spotlight more than aything, and now he watches from his la z boy and thinks; "Oh there but for fortune go I".
Nicole is smiling from the Grave.HA-HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah, exactly what the he** did happen to those armed robbery charges he has to face in LV? He ain't got high powered attorneys anymore. Did he, yet again, get out of it?
Okay, I just researched it. He didn't beat the rap as we suspected. He's merely out on 250K bail and the trial in set to begin on September 8.
Word is... if he's convicted of all charges he could end up with a life sentence!
Woo! Hoo!
LOL=Crabbie! you so crazy!
Poor girl. Shows no emotion when her Dad is accused of an extremely bloody violent crime, but Momma working at Wal*Mart is where she draws the fucking line!!!!
You don't ever want to google any of these people unless you have tons of time to read about all the violence and arrests. It's bizarre.
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