Monday, August 25, 2008

Sticky Sweet tour turning straight men everywhere?

If that doesn't give you nightmares, nothing will. They should cast her in the new Rocky Horror. She's the only acceptable nouveau Frank N. Furter, which will no longer be sexy, but, actual horror... with sucky music.


Anonymous said...

Obviously she made a life long commitment to that lifestyle. What better proof of what happens when you take anything to extremes.

Anonymous said...

that just makes me HURT to look at that! why is she so fucking obsessed with working out? what kind of warped image does she have of herself?

obviously despite her hundreds of millions and her beloved quackballa she doesn't have contentment in her life and still feels inadequete...

Anonymous said...


I'm 51 and look a lot better than that, wtf is she thinking???

Major Majormajor said...

I feel queasy. Someone please take her "vitamin b shots" away before she qualifies for MLB.

Anonymous said...

If she squats her testicles will pop out.

Anonymous said...

It's like f'g frogs legs and thats just straight up nasty! She's my age and I wear a reasonable size, 8, I have no desire to look like she does. I have no desire to work out at all. I know I should. I walk alot. But,she seems to use it as a drug. There's something wrong with her if she thinks she looks good. Her hair, teeth and body are all effed up. She's very butchy looking to me. She'd beat my ass!

Anonymous said...

LOL @ 9:18!!!

She is a little heavy on the testosterone, isn't she?

Anonymous said...

50 year old coochie! EW! Don't stick that in my face woman! I doubt Guy likes it much anymore either, it's all stringy now! *Gags* She looks like that "Human Body" exhibit thats touring the US. All the muscle & organs & sinew is in tact, it's gross. & Madge's vadge!

Anonymous said...

when she dies...she's still gonna be dead. Skinny, doesn't matter!

Anonymous said...

she couldn't be less feminine if she tried. And she's clearly trying very hard not to be!

Anonymous said...

Ertha Kitt was 20 plus yrs older then Madonna is now when she did a seduction cameo scene in a movie and she was ten times better looking, more fem and sexy then those pics you've posted from Madonna's summer tour.

Strip away her fame and money, make her a average jane in averageville, and show me one man, just one, who would honestly look at THAT and think she's 'hot'.

Anonymous said...

If she ever gets Guy in her thigh grip, he's gonna die in 3 minutes!!! he's gotta be disgusted with her body. She's in more masculine shape than he is! Is she on 'roids? Not a woman anymore. She's now a dude.

Anonymous said...

Her brother Christopher Ciccone's been getting reamed for writing that book about her, but in my opinion he told her story as he experienced it-- having been her right-hand man for almost 20 years.

His story sheds an enormous amount of light on her day-to-day existence, what makes her tick and proposes some very good theories on exactly *why* Madonna is the way she is. (and the way things are going, I won't be surprised to very soon see her sporting a surgical mask and riding in a wheel chair)

Since he doesn't share anything earth-shattering, I wouldn't recommend anyone to pay full-price, but it's definitely worth a read if you can either borrow a copy or buy one second-hand.

Anonymous said...

What, tendons don't turn you on?

Anonymous said...

Why oh why is she?