Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Toilet trained rat
I was distracted looking for rat training videos and cussing the idiots who think putting peanut butter on your finger and getting a tame animal to come to you is a trick. If I put PB on my finger and stuck it in Bee's face she would accidentally bite me and be right to do so. She already knows her name without a food bribe..duh. But, then I came across this vid of a rat that's toilet trained and I was kind of amazed. Smart creatures they are, he gives the bowl a sniff and then realizes what the thing is for. It's pretty clear he knows what he's doing and that is one BIG ASSED RAT! Cool. Don't click it if seeing a rat taking a poop gross's you out.
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I had a cat that potty trained itself.
Are you sure your cat didn't learn it from watching rats?
No thanks. I will be scared to use my own potty at night now! Gawd! & EWWW!
D-Con! Big mean ass cat. Either way. Oh yeah! = Dead Rat!
I cannot believe I just sat and watches a big rat poop...
this pic is gross, no need to click it and watch. I wish it wasn't on here. It's creeping me out, big time. Goodbye DD! See ya'.
lol DD thats awesome. although i think it looks a trained city rat who had the runs haha.... iv never seen my rats go more then 4 little turds at a time.
a few of my old rats would run back to their cage anytime they had to poop, good ratties. :)
<:3( )~~~~
aaaaw thats beautiful. our business is next to a place that advertises itself as 'the home of the cat loo'. loo in australian is toilet. anyway the wonders of modern technology, that we can train cats and rats to use our loo's. it takes me to my point. the other night our cat killed a rat and my son took the dead rat to the back of the garden. tonight when we opened the back door we found the dead rat on our back doorstep. our cat is so dammed proud that she killed that rat. should we now kill the cat?
oh an anon 1:44 goodbye to you too. hope we never see you again!!
The guys blurb said "Matisse was an emin's pouched rat (Crycetomis emini)."
Craccaben said...
I cannot believe I just sat and watches a big rat poop...
August 19, 2008 1:24:00 PM PDT
DITTO on that.. OMG! gross... that thing needs to be killed and rats DO NOT belong in the house.. sorry DD!
I thought that was awesome. It was so cute how their little ears kept twitching and looking around like my dog does outside.
I think that was amazing DD - you going to try and train yours?
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