Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tyra helps celebrate first all black model issue of Vogue Italia

Maybe Tyra can enlighten me as to which of those broads is black. I see some pretty black faces behind them, but, they sure aren't allowed in front. If you happen to BE a black woman out there, tell me what YOU think of this.


Anonymous said...

Once's ok to be "all black", "pro black" and all that... but you let someone have an all white magazine and see how fast the word racist gets thrown in the mix.

Anonymous said...

I agree totally Anon 6:31. How about the United Negro College Fund?? That crap kills me. Let us have the United Caucasion College Fund OR the NAACP, with the "C" being changed from colored to caucasion. Don't get me started!

Anonymous said...

A lot of those girls in the front look like they are mixed race. It sucks how beauty is still defined by who looks the "whitest" tho.

Anonymous said...

Could you imagine the outcry if a magazine was advertised and promoted as 'all white'... this is hypocritical! Way to go Tyra.

Anonymous said...

Political Correctness and reverse racism gone crazy. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would break your door down and ruin your life if you celebrated caucasians.

Anonymous said...

still, if they are going to have an 'all black' issue, why not have actual BLACK WOMEN featured in front? Black comes in many shades but I don't see but the very lightest shades represented here. Did they do a brown paper bag test when deciding who to stand where? Good Lord!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Blacks will even tell you that they love it when a black marries a white and has kids, the kids will be lighter in color usually and it carries down thru the family. The family is very proud of a light skinned member. I don't get it either. If they are "Black & Proud" then be f'g black! Don't try to be white! All those chicks are going for "white girl" hair too, all flat ironed and shiny. No fros in the bunch! Not one African American among them! I agree with all the posters that have the racism comments going on here. It's true. Jesse & Al would eff up your world if you tried to do anything all white. Now when we have a "part black" running for prez, what'd you expect? It's only gonna multiply! Just don't try to start an all white mag or college or charity. That isn't allowed to happen. ALL TRUE!

Anonymous said...

....You have all white magazine all the time..They dont give black models there due respect...They say they dont want this girl just BECAUSE she's black. You dont understand the struggle or the importance so just stick to speaking about what you do know thank...Stop hating and say thats whassup and move on..and for the record the person who published this all black mag..Is a white person. We didnt decide this on our own...Thank

Anonymous said...

And I was apart of this event they had all shades..You only look at what u is many different shades it aint about the darkness or the light ness black i black..get overrrrrrrrrrr it

Anonymous said...

ANON 10:21 - You should have taken advantage of the United Negro College Fund!

Anonymous said...

It is easy for white people to making comments listed here because they have never been a minority. Black models have been discriminated against over the years, and it wouldn't surprise me if there were plenty of Vogue issues that didn't have any black models in them at all. As for the post, black women do have many different skin tones, but DD bought up an interesting point that they placed the lighter women in the front of the picture. Whether this was subconcious on the part of the editor (doubtful) or if they are trying to appeal to our westernized standards of beauty, or dictating to the reader what the standard should be we'll never know.

I don't think this is reverse racism, I think it was intended as a celebration of black women but somewhere along the way the intentions got lost in trying to protect what they view society's "standards" of beauty should be.

Anonymous said...

*make comments-I don't want to get chastised for a typo!

Anonymous said...

"All White Models" In November's 2008 Vogue. No black models were considered for this issue. The whiter the better. The editor for this issue was Al Sharpton with his assistant Jesse Jackson with help from Obama and his campaign so they could be involved with white issues for women during the month of the election, although he does not appear in this issue as he is a 1/2 black man. you seriously think that is ever gonna happen? Black people all over the world and in politics and religion would start a race war over that! anon 10:21 you need to learn how to spell, how to type and how to not be a reverse racist. And IF you are black I am glad you were compelled to state your opinion on DD's site. Your thoughts are always welcome.

Anonymous said...

P.S. "Mixed" IS Black !!!! Halle Berry, Alicia Keys, Mariah Carey, ALL of Quincy Jones' kids!!! Maybe they should paint them in black face...............would that make everyone happy??

Anonymous said...

I think it's intresting that theres a push right on to do away with affirmative action because it's felt by some that it's no longer opening doors to allow black men and women chances they deserved as much as anyone else. It's felt that these chances, wether employment, education etc is now a crutch. If equality, true equality is whats really wanted by all, then hire the most qualified in the position regardless of skin color.

I think theres something to be considered in that. We can't do away with racism if we are still coddling, paving the road opening doors etc, based on race alone.

Do you want the job just because your ethnic and they have a quota to fill? How is that a positive foot forward?

Opression for hundreds of years? Until the past is let go, none of us move on, wether its race issues or the cheatin dog you need to let loose.

Anonymous said...

white, black, who cares?

in fact stuff like 'all black issue' or 'half breed = black' are just keepin racism alive.

I don't care about skin colour. I care about racism. And stereotypes make me sick.

Anonymous said...

My ancestors have come from many different ethnic cultures, and their ancestors from still more... at this point, I am just a member of the human race. I vote get rid of the little boxes that denote which ethnic culture your ancestors came from. You could always replace them with cultural beliefs which transcend all ethnicity. A.) Bubba, B.) Klan C.) Basic screwed up human D.) Close-minded religious fanatic etc. the list goes on.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy when people who are NOT discriminated against based on the color of their skin, LOVE to talk about "let the past go" and "white, black, who cares"!!

Anonymous said...

Hey anon 6:47..........I know some magazines that SHOULD be called "all white"!! Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Marie Claire, Elle, I need to keep going?? Seriously, when was the last time you saw more than ONE black model in any one of those magazines!! I hear no "outcry", do you?!

Anonymous said...

I just dont care. I have been discriminated by blacks because I am white. Heard white insults and know if I was dumb enough to say something as hateful back I would lose my job. Tired of hearing about it. I dont owe the black population a thing.

Anonymous said...

none of this is about blackness, it's about marketing. Tyra has a mostly non-black audience, as does Oprah, Vogue. Elle, Marie Claire, blah, blah,

DINOSAURS= Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the NAACP. Please have patience society, the "Fists" are fading as fast as the "Hoods". Racism now is used for convenience and it sounds as silly as it is. Niggers, Crackers, Chinks, Wetbacks and the like were all our GRANDPA's burdens, they are not ours. Honestly, do you say "groovy" in a sentence? Me neither.

White people don't owe me shit, and I appreciate not being treated as if I need their help. My family has been financially okay, for several generations. Blacks are racist too, trust me.

I have never benefited from the NAACP. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are on their last legs, intelligent figureheads distance themselves from them. They are images of days long gone, "Being Black" is how Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have made a living, they are the last of their kind. Todays' young black men have chosen to represent themselves according to financial status.

All white anything, is becoming a thing of the past. You have to call an "Old" black person a nigger to piss them off, kids now are shrugging it off like" whatever", OJ Simpson bitches! Say that in a room full of white people they'll be so mad they'll forget all about whatever it was that they were bitching about in the first fucking place! LOL

Who gives a shit if a black woman is not on the cover of a magazine. Who reads magazines? moving on

Anonymous said...

Well said meluvslameluvit! Agreed 100%

Anonymous said...

I love it when blacks are pulling the 'racist' card and claim that white ones never suffer from racism. Oh yeah? Really? How about a reality check. And then ask a French or German about that again.

Anonymous said...

Blacks aren't the only race to face discrimination, far from it. And blacks are racist too, big time.

It's time we all got over it anon 6:39, and that includes you and your assumptions that a white wrote what you didn't like.

If your wrogn about that, imagine how more your really wrong about.

I wasn't enslaved on a plantation and either were you, live in the now and for the future or keep crying about the past, a past you didn't even experience.

Meluvslameluvit said it best.

Anonymous said...

I'm white and I've had people be racially biased towards me a lot. Also you have to realize that most of us on this blog are FEMALES and therefore have ALL been subjected to an even deeper, more longer running form of discrimination. Do I whine? No. Fuck em. That's what I say. I just bust my ass and hope I get rewarded for my hard work. I don't think there should be all black or all white magazines. It's probably true that your average magazine should represent minorities more, though. I always think it's weird that when you turn onto BET that there's a toothpaste commercial with black people in it that you never see on any of the other channels.