Kevin Federline needs a stylist, or at least some advice from a grown up. Maybe George Clooney could email him some tips. He looks ridiculous in his teenager from the hood crap. Fed's a good looking guy, but, man, this is lame. Are those bowling shoes?
Ha, ha. Obviously you know shit about fashion DD. In Inglewood that is Haute Hood Cotoure. He is rocking creases on the low sling shorts and he attached the receipt for all the clothes on his baller cap with a gold and diamond safety pin. thanks for the cheese Brit!, keep "singing" girl!.
he be PIMP SYLIN' yo!
and the baggy clothes are hiding his increasingly growing hips, stomach and ass...
Britney is getting back in shape & styling herself much nicer and he's rollin' with the homies still! I hate bowling shoes, I hate the way they feel and look. At least he's not wearing untied neon hi-tops and no bling. He can't let us think he can afford jewelry. Even tho his salary from Brit has gotta be huge. It's not for him or Shar or bling!
hopefully his bowling shoes are new and haven't been rented by hundreds of people with their array of foot foibles and diseases....
Kevin is actually adecent looking guy, if he would only lose the 1990's wigger l@@k, of course that is most likely attracted a white trash skank like shitney to him.
Britney could have had any famous guy in her prime and she went for Homeboy Kevin, a fucking back up dancer! You can the girl out of the trailer park but....
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