Thursday, September 4, 2008

500 billion sperm head to Hollywood!

Hollywood bound spermazoids head to their celebrity destinations in a mass journey of epic proportions, some screaming for a womb with a view while others contemplate the disappointment of a surrogate uterus. Said one sperm who was interviewed by CNN : "While all of us hope for a shot at the uterine walls of Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Garner at least, we are at peace with the fact that we might encounter the egg of Heidi Montag or Tori Spelling knowing that we will bring more celebrities into your world. What????? Garner is already pregnant? WTF? Cocksuck! If I get Montag I'm going to squirt myself!"


Anonymous said...

You think thats bad?! You shoulda seen 'em heading to the Olympic village. It's was a 24-7 sexathon over there.!!! Hollywood ain't got nuthin' on those pumped up athletes!

Anonymous said...

Angelina doesn't require sperm. She just closes her eyes and voila...