The Gosselins (Jon and Kate plus 8) used to have signs in their yard that said "DO NOT TALK TO US, DO NOT TAKE PICTURES)...do not even breathe your fetid common wind our way unless you are carrying a love offering in your pocket....okay, I made up the last one, but, you get my drift. In a recent episode, almost 8 year old Mady made a sign for a door in their home. She makes it clear what she thinks of the family circus that is The Gosselins. Buck up, kid, your parents are mentally handicapped and someone has to bring home the organic bacon.
I started a minor shit storm with an old post that got linked somewhere else and people actually think Jon and Kate are anon commenting HERE. I wouldn't know. If you are, Jon and Kate...go get some more free stuff and build your new mansion, be sure and let Kate freak out every two seconds because of a spill and take some more photos of poop. Lay off the butt crack shots of the kids though. Or just make a special edition of the show for the pedos. Naaa, forget that, just take the boring kids off and show more Kate. That's the only reason I watch the horrendously horrendous rumpeldy humpeldy muggly wuggly thing in the first place, as such. My word! Lordy beeee! Excuse me, I have low blood sugar. Ask how you can help me. Hellooooooooooooo! WHY DO YOU NOT ASK HOW YOU CAN HELP ME?! Oh, sorry, channeling some Kate there.
i hope there's an episode soon where children's services busts in and takes those kids away or makes kate go to counseling so she can learn what a greedy grub cunt she is and how her control freak ways are gonna damage her children for life if she doesn't stop!
and how oxymoronic to put a sign 'do not enter' private property when you have film crews living with you????
fucking tards...
Sad when you really think about it.
Can't say i'd have reacted any differently to the no privacy ever thing when i was a kid.
isnt that funny. i can understand that they get alot of attention because people recognize them but they hardly are pitt & jolie.
i like the fact that they complain about not having enough money but they sure did find enough to go through expensive fertility treatments, TWICE!!!!! oh, poor kate & jon, give me a break. there are kids starving & freezing every day in our country alone & they are spoiling their kids with trips & outings completley paid for by someone else.
talk about a MOOCH!!
when Kate & her husband have to drag their asses out to work someday (and that will be soon!) they are not gonna need those stupid signs. Their kids won't be so cute anymore and we will forget all about them and if they want to go on vaca, it will be on THEIR dime! Just like the rest of us! And with that size of family, thats gonna be expensive!! They probably dont even get that it's coming,yet! OH...it's coming. And why don't the dwarfs have it all for free? They still work! Whats the dif? They don't have 8 babies??
I say, let them have their 15 minutes because I'd milk mine if I ever got the chance. It sucks that the "fame" is kind of getting to their heads, but at the same, they'll eventually realize that after their time is up no one will care to talk to them or take pictures of them and they'll realize what assholes they turned into. They're going to be the ones that end up having to live with the aftermath of their shitty attitudes and spoiled children and we'll all go on with our lives.
B. Jess
Camera's lingering on the kids as they dress and go potty and have plumbers crack are not cool. Those kids are 8 and 4 now...it's getting creepy. Mady drew the line with her sign, but, no one respects it.
Its the parents job to see that the kids privacy is respected now. We don't see John or Kate taking a sh** or showering do we? Pedos probably already watch it, as they get older it will be soooo creepy. TLC will drop them. They will be po' fo sho! They can embark on speaking engagments for 20K I guess! The dwarfs do it and they work. Get with it Gosselins. Start busing your asses out there. And stop the film crews from invading those kids most private moments.
These parents are an embarassment to parents everywhere. If Figure 8 Productions would show it I think this nonworking pair of morons would have their children doing much, much more than we've even seen so far in the tubs and on the toilets. Get over yourselves, Kon, no one wants to see either of your faces. We just thought your kids were cute when they were little. Now you are acting entitled and very uncool. Get off the TV!!!!
I guess I'm glad I don't have cable.
...it is cable, right?
You can see it on You Tube if you want.
Thanx! I'll check it out.
...after all, I wouldn't want to be ig-nernt.
...at least, any more ig-nernt than I already am.
Then again...
...ignorance is, supposedly, bliss.
If that's so, then Kate Gosselin is one blissful mofo.
LOL! Oh Dirty Disher, no one makes me laugh at the Gosselins the way you do. I hope this shit storm is as delightful as the last.
More fule for the fire - check out a new Gosselin insider blog
Run along and check it out Gosselin supporters, then come back and tell us how it's all a bunch of lies by a jealous bitter bitch and we should all just get a life and we can talk when we have 8 kids.
Aaawww Anon, did you do that just to make me feel better? That was sweet, thanks.
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