Playboy wants to do a tribute to '60s sex kitten Ann-Margret and her film "Kitten With a Whip," and they want Lindsay Lohan to pose for it. They offered her $700,000 for the topless spread, but, The Blow turned them down. Her reps said if there's nudity, then the answer's no.
Put aside the facts that Lindsay DOES look like Ann-Margret and she already posed nude in a Marilyn tribute...we've already seen her naked. That's a lot of money for a days work, that's a lot of Marlboros. That's not usin' yer noggin, Linds. I'm sure when you step out on the red carpet to get your Oscar, everyone would forgive the Playboy spread.
She would have to get in shape and stop partying for a while. Although photoshopping has taken the fun out of those mags for me. I can't look at the photos and not wonder how much work has been done. She could do Penthouse or OUI or Swank. We have already seen the goods, so what's the difference?. Doing the photoshoot could have landed her some adult roles she neds to bef up her resume and outgrow the spoiled image she already carries on set.
She's a lez, she's posed nude already, she's a ho. She def needs the cash. Whats the prob? Not enough money for her? Up the ante Playboy, then you got her! She does NOT look like Ann Margaret! She wishes!!! She has tree trunk legs, Anns legs are a dancers legs and body. No comparison. Just the hair, thats about it. Ann M & Elvis had sex on the set of a movie they made together, so I wonder if they'd throw in an Elvis imposter as well? Maybe Sam could do that? Ann also had sex with Joe Namath on a movie set. OMG! She was a ho too! Maybe the resemblance is starting to sink in! I get it now! Duh! Ho=Ho!
she's stupid, she should do it. It might bring her some class. Lord knows she needs it. Not to mention the money.
It's her life, it's her call.
Hard to remember that she's an actual person, isn't it?
Pfffllllt. What's the big deal? She's already done every nasty, degrading and demoralizing thing possible.. Why not grab the cash 'n spread 'em. These days, she'd have more class if she turned tricks every night on the corner of Hollywood & Vine.
Five years from now, she'll be begging Playboy to let her pose.
Anon 6:29:00 AM said:
That's one thing I like about the DD show every morning...
...mo' "ho"s that the Jolly Green Giant!
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