Lily Allen and Elton John presenting the GQ Men of the Year Awards ...everything was going fine until Lily started drinking onstage and Elton realized she had a better dress than he did. When she came to announce ''...and now the most important part of the night'', Elton chipped in ''What? Are you going to have another drink?" She fired back: ''Fuck off Elton. I am 40 years younger than you and have my whole life ahead of me!" The shocked audience fell silent. A clearly rattled Elton replied ''I could still snort you under the table''. To which she replied: ''Fuck off. I don't know what you are talking about."
Elton has a history of fueds with famous women, Madonna and Princess Di come to mind, so she's in good company, I guess. But, Lily clearly needs to find some better insults, there's nothing shocking about "fuck off" if you use it in every sentance. Good to know Elton could snort her under the table. He probably meant that literally, I'm surprised she didn't end up under a table. Silly bitches. They sound so lame and childish.
i have to say you can't quite consider it a 'feud' with princess di because she was infamous for just cutting off people for no reason and then suddenly picking up the phone and calling them like nothing had happened and she had never dropped them....
elton was on mawhore's shit list cuz he said she was lip synching...
elton is very outspoken and whereas i don't like his sappy disney tunes i am a big fan of his 70's/early 80's music and an admirer of how he just doesn't give a fuck and says/does whatever...
lily allen is a twit twat...
2 fat twats! WTH? Who cares? Elton knows he's a drama queen. He doesn't care who hears his rants. He has such small hands. That bothers me a little bit...
Didn't he & Diana make up just before she was killed? He was extremely upset at her funeral but still sang for her. That fued was off by the time of her death. And Giani Versace' had just been been murdered prior to her death and she was consoling him at Giani's funeral. Still,Small hands, bothers me.
What feud with Princess Di? What could they possibly fight about?
He couldn't have kept a grudge against her or he wouldn't have sung at her funeral.
elton was a little upset when diana pulled out of doing a book forward for a book that was filled with pix of royalty intersped with naked/half naked guys/women....he didn't throw a hissy fit, just said he understood but was disappointed...she then cut him off (she was extreme that way)...it wasn't a feud....
when versace was murdered she started talking to elton again....and infamously hugged him during the service for versace while elton sobbed....
elton lives a more lavish life than any current royal!
He's no Morrissey.
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