Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Labor Pains trailer

Starring Lindsay Lohan, like you didn't know. The whole basis of the story is dumb, why couldn't you fire a pregnant woman if she didn't do her job? On the other hand, I always find Blow movies an amusing waste of time.


Anonymous said...

My guess is that they saw Juno's numbers at the box office and bought a book of cliches. Sat down and wrote a script in thirty minutes. After agreeing that it sucked they found unemployed actors with recognizable faces and cast them for next to nothing with low expectations of success. There is no originality left in Hollywood. Copycat movies and sequels or trilogies have swamped the industry.

Anonymous said...

Did you even watch the trailor? lol. She's not pregnant like the character in Juno, neither is her character a kid. She's pretending to be preggers, playing on sympathies to keep her job and in the process finds out theres another way to live & be happy.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lindsay, i did watch the trailer. About as boring as Georgia Rule. She is shit on screen, sorry to hurt your feelings, but argue the fact hat she sucks at acting.

Anonymous said...

I didn't give an opinion about her acting pro or con lol, I simply pointed out that your notion, "My guess is that they saw Juno's numbers at the box office and bought a book of cliches", was wrong.

You make alot of assumptions. People can hold opinions and even express them without it meaning they die hard fans or haters. Thats a little too 8th grade mentality.

Anonymous said...

This movie looks to be absolutely flat. If it results in another Lohan bust; how many more chances do you give her?. Robert Downey made it back after years of struggling with addictions. Lindsay doesn't take care of those issues because she hasn't accepted her addictions. Let her go earn a living in the world and see how long she makes it.