Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Brad pitt in his lemon trou

Brad, making a Japanese cellphone commercial. For a minute there I thought this was his Halloween costume and he was going as pee. Geez, this is what Pete Wentz will look like when he's old.


Anonymous said...

he looks like a total fucking whimpy pussy in that outfit...which is what AJ has done to him...

with3love said...

Yeah, uh...he looks extremely immasculated...he just needs a leashed pet goat to complete the look.

Anonymous said...

I think AJ's gettin' custody of th' goat.

Anonymous said...

wow, when there are no words. he looks like a loser tho.

Anonymous said...

I stopped hating this guy a few weeks ago.

is it just me or is there something appealing about a beautiful man who is not afraid to make a fool of himself to make other people laugh?

I don't know him, but as an actor, he's good, he has a pretty face that he's not afraid to muss up, has never been arrested for anything heinous, loves kids and being married, is a gazillionnaire philanthropist, what's to hate?

oh, her....

Anonymous said...

NOW I really know what he's going to look like at 65!