Cameron talking about her body.. “I know I have what a 25 year old has, but she doesn’t have what I have. My boobs and butt aren’t doing too bad either, know what I mean?”
Every once in awhile she takes a halfway decent photo and I love the dress, but, if you can figure out wtf she said you're more awake than I am. I think I need a blond dictionary.
Cool dress, great picture. You can't see the zits.
body of a 25 year old?
Must be a typo. She probably meant 52 year old.
I don't know...
Reminds me of Linda Evans, in a way.
When she was on The Big Valley, she looked one way, and the next time she surfaced, she looked so different...and not just older...but so different that I didn't even recognize her.
When I first saw The Mask, she looked different, somehow, and I almost didn't recognize her the next time I saw her.
Some people are just like that I guess.
lmao @ blonde dictionary
She's saying that she has what a 25 yr old has (body), but they don't have what she has (brains, wisdom)*cough*
I'm not sure what makes this woman think she is so fabulous! All I see is a flat assed, flat tit 30-something douche bag! Get over yourself already Ms. Diaz!! Butt & boobs not to bad?!! I'm done!
nah...I think she looks her age. Up close, her skin is sooo bad. She looks her age, not younger. She might stay in shape, but your face tells your age.
big stretched grin Joker-face ho
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