Friday, September 5, 2008

Shakira - Underneath Your Clothes live

Making anons cry. It IS pretty good.


Anonymous said...

Aww jeez DD! U made my Friday!!! I love it! Thank you. She really does rock this song. My heart just understands it. I dunno why. If anyone thinks this song is about sex, they are sadly mistaken. Thats like saying "Rape me" by Nirvana is about rape! Not even!!! DD, I gotcher back on that one! Thanks again for the Shakira vid. You are awesome. Roxanne, Indy

Anonymous said... you went and did it. Where's the tissues!!! Waaahhhhh!!!!

Anonymous said...

I watched that "Live With Regis and Kelly", with my mom and dad, when it originally aired.
My dad's since passed and my mom's in hospice, now.
I wasn't aware that it was out there.
Gracias, DD.

Anonymous said...

when she brought the blues harp....oh my gosh! it was beautifulL!!!!!

Major Majormajor said...

That's just not my kind of singing. I understand why others like it, (hitting all the notes and singing the range, ala Agulieraesque) but it's not my thing. No judgement call here.

Anonymous said...

at least she can sing.

which is something you can't say about most of todays 'singers'.

Dirty Disher said...

YW, anon. :)

Anonymous said...

she is A M A Z I N G!!! boy and she tours with her parents! i have been a big fan of hers for years. i can't remember the name of her first big hit but it rocked.