Saturday, September 20, 2008

Casey Aldridge has the IQ of a stale turd

Young Gomer is panicking now that his meal ticket is sick of his cheating. Mr. Pile had threatened to sue Jamie Lynn and Lynne Spears for $5 million unless Jamie Lynn takes him back. He claims teenage Jamie Lynn promised him she'd take care of him and he wouldn't have to work. Yeah, Gomer? How about a nice statutory rape charge and a cellmate named Bubba the pipe layer? Dumbass. Those Spears girls have got to stop picking the homegrown.


Anonymous said...

Stale turds are surprisingly smart.

with3love said...

No, he's a moron.

Anonymous said...

"Take care of HIM and he wouldn't have to work..."


Sheeeeoooot. That's really rich. What court of law in our fair land would grant a young, strapping, healthy, able-bodied ~GOMER~ "palimony"? Especially since he sired HER KID, and is thus responsible to pay HER 18 years worth of child support.

Not even Judge (Hirohito) Ito would buy his hot steaming load of BS. (Even an inbred judge in Gomer's backwater town would have more sense)

And yet, I have no sympathy whatsoever for Jamie Lynn... or any of the Spears family for that matter. They're a dumb lot, it's true.. but they also have advisors who run their affairs (legal, financial and otherwise) and who are certainly working over-time these days to protect their assets. If they disregard sage advice in their best interests, then they deserve to get "taken to the (proverbial) cleaners."

Anonymous said...

*Those Spears girls have got to stop picking the homegrown* - They don't seem to have much luck with out-of-towners, either. These girls are not going to hook up with a guy from Chicago with a degree in biomedical engineering, and therefore a future. They will stick with what they know: a down-home redneck boy, or some parasitic L.A. show biz type with a big dick.

Anonymous said...

They need to realize that they will always have a following of gold digger guys.