Tuesday, September 30, 2008

DJ AM is out, so is Travis

DJ AM attending the memorial for Chris “Lil’ Chris” Baker, who died in the crash. Man, that looks painful. Travis Barker is also out of the hospital.


Anonymous said...

Everyone still praying or does that stop as soon as you find out they're not going to die?

Anonymous said...

crabbie, people already did die! 4 of them! Why can't you EVER be a decent person? Even in tragedy you are a fat, fool, asshole. Stop saying mean shit about them. Dayum. Umm...you gonna be flying anyplace soon Crabbie? Just checking.

Anonymous said...

"Fat", "Fool" & "Asshole" are the LEAST of Crabbie's issues.

And No. He'll never be decent person. Kinda prides himself on that.

Anonymous said...

It was a simple question. There's no reason for you frustrated lesbians to get all angry and shit.

Anonymous said...

What is up with his hair? Not to belittle the obviously injured skin on his neck and chin, but is this sizzled hair, a bad wig or what?

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should pray for his hair.

Anonymous said...

crabbie...you don't have to pray for anybody. I didn't pray for them or their hair. I just don't say mean, bitter and hateful things about ppl who have been thru a horrible accident, involving deaths! I am also not a lez, you wish!

Anonymous said...

crabbie...ever heard of Karma? Watch out.

Anonymous said...

Karma? Oh you mean that imaginary shit ignorant people always invoke when someone says or does something they don't like. As if the universe has nothing better to do than smite the people who upset you. Cause we all know the whole balance of the cosmos hinges on your little three seconds of irritation or discomfort. Dumb fucks.

Anonymous said...

crabbie, don't you have your own site to blog on? Why are u always over here? Nobody comments on yours, is why. & it's cuz you are not cool!
Go back there, please! You are putting out a negative vibe over here. Learn how to be cool & maybe a little nicer, OK?

Anonymous said...

i love Crabbie

Anonymous said...

Gee DD didn't you say in a few post back he was burned badly all over his head.....

Anonymous said...

Crabbie, I welcome your comments. You make me laugh, on your site and DDs. I don't always agree with you, but if I did, it would be a boring world.

Chill out on Crabbie. It's his persona. He's not fake. Wish more people would be less PC.

If there were two people I would love to buy dinner and drinks for, it's Crabbie and DD. I'd pay for the airfare. (And no, I wouldn't try to make a dress out of you!----"Puts the lotion in the basket.")

I work at home, very isolating, so DD and Crabbie are my imaginary friends. Even my BF asks me what you guys have been up to today! DD saw a pic, he's hot.


Anonymous said...

DD--Still waiting for the ring.

He leaves for another 6 month work assignment abroad next month.

I live in VA, how about you and Crabster? Maybe we could have a weekend out on the town...I love people watching.
