Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Does the kid call him Gaddy?

Clay Aiken:"I cannot raise a child to lie or to hide things." But, before you got a kid it was okay? What ever, Clay. Your kid is cute, he looks just like you.


Anonymous said...

maybe that was a dig at his parents?

Dirty Disher said...

I heard his mom was upset. She must be blind.

Anonymous said...

...and, he seemed so nice!
I wonder what Palin thinks of this.

Anonymous said...

Shocking revelation. Just shocking! I am aghast! His baby is tiny and precious.

Anonymous said...

what do all those old religious ladies that love him think now? can you hate someone just because they 'come out'? It's not like we all didn't know. not a big deal.

Anonymous said...

cute baby!!!

Anonymous said...

That baby is down right adorable.

Anonymous said...

Oh ya, and Clay looks like a chick in this pic.

Anonymous said...

He looks like Billie Jean King - kind of odd he comes out as gay and looks like a lesbian...

Anonymous said...

LMFAO anon 4:21. You sure it's not 4:20 there? Brilliant! & so true!

Anonymous said...

"... He comes out as gay and looks like a lesbian..."


Anonymous said...

In other news water is wet and shit stinks.

Anonymous said...

Very cute baby. And Clay, you do sorta look like a girl. But you're cute too.