Sunday, September 28, 2008

Gail's kids!

Gwendolyn an Alex made me laugh this morning. Aren't they just the cutest? Awww. Hey, I think Gwendolyn is funnier in the first picture, what a face! Do you call her Gwennie?


Anonymous said...

We call her Gwennie all the time!!! Gwen, Gwendolyn, Gwennie, Gwendy: she is a baby of mystery and many names!

Anonymous said...

Gwendolyn's facial expression in the first picture is so funny. Like ehh yeah whatever, take my picture.

They are both so beautiful.

with3love said...

Where did you find her binkie? Both kids are very cute!

Anonymous said...

that dummy!!!!!

Anonymous said...

My sister found the pacifier last year for my son at a Halloween costume store. He was pretty hilarious in it, too.

with3love said...

I know this is silly, but make sure its not a plastic rating 6,7 or 3 and made in China....I've been throwing out some poisonous plastics I let my kids eat with (previously), yeah I'll probably get bashed if anyone reads that...but its true damn it!