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HERE, then click it again and read it. Paul Peterson is an advocate for child stars and their rights, but, he was a child star and if it wasn't for child star exploitation he'd be working with Gary Coleman flipping burgers. Or whatever it is that little crank head midget is doing now.
I still say everyone has a shitty childhood and Paul Peterson's opinion doesn't mean squat to me. It doesn't mean squat to Kate Gosselin either, they don't even get The Enquirer at the spa.
I hate these washed-up Hollywood types who feel the need to get their mugs up in front of the public now and then. To accomplish this they 'advocate' for the environment, wild animals, illegal aliens and other peoples children. While Peterson may have issues from being a child actor after nearly 50 years he needs to deal with it in a way that doesn't involve getting up in everybody's face and mind his own business.
Jon & Kate need to be reamed by A Minor Consideration org and everybody else. They are clearly exploiting their kids. At least PP wasn't asked to be filmed going to the toilet or taking a shower or in his underwear, getting sick, being disciplined -- BTW -- all things the G's have done many times on their ridiculous show. I say good going, Paul.
I think Paul is doing a good thing here and it is shame that a more current/famous 'star' won't speak out about this. Good for him.
And i just thought of this....it's a federal porn case if someone is caught with jamie lynn nursing her baby pix, so is it child porn when millions are watching these kids in the tub, going to the toilet, etc?????
i feel really bad for these kids....their mother is a very shallow woman who obviously will never have a feeling of fulfillment....
Look at the picture...... the only 2 smiling are Jon and Kate. That says it all.
I agree with anon; none of the kids are smiling, which seems somewhat common on the show, too. Several of the kids are frequently so moody and bratty, it concerns me. I do watch on occasion but more out of curiousity and to see their "progress." Too bad they don't show all the helpers that are REALLY involved in their upbringing; parents should be more upfront.
What I want to know is does this man even know Jon and Kate? or their kids? They are doing a family show, it's not as if they are putting their kids into a bunch of advertisements, like so many Hollywood parents do. He is simply assuming that these kids are going to have issues, just because he does. Maybe he should get some therapy and get out of other people's business. Let Jon and Kate decide how they want to raise their family.
Dear Douche Bag - interesting that the only person that has pointed out the exploitation of the children from the beginning of the show has been Peterson. This article is over 6 months old, yet with the current news around the parents and children, his words ring true.
Learn more about Paul and what he has done for the exploited child-stars, the ONLY group of children exempt from child-labor laws, before you have a little fun at his expense.
You're an ignorant douche bag.
Kate said they don't have any help and they will never have a nanny. Now we hear that Jon was able to go out when Kates on tour because they have a lot of hired help. Who would want to hear what she has to say about child rearing when her kids are such brats and they sound just like she does when brow beats Jon.
If a washed-up Hollywood type person is the only one who is willing to step up and protect these children, then good for him. Mind his own business, this is something his is passionate about, do you also fault the people in the public eye for bringing awareness to the plight of citizens in the Sudan, homelessness, AIDS, etc. and if so--shame on you.
It has been obvious from day one that all eight of these children are being exploited by the people who should have been protecting them.
The porn question is a good one and some adult in these children's lives may have another point to bring suit against these obnoxious parents.
Let Jon and Kate decide how they want to raise their family!!! Who are you kidding, these kids are being exploited for the benefit of their non-working parents and a network that only sees dollar signs and could care less about these children. We do not have to know any of these people to understand that the children are working.
I wonder if the win for Paul Peterson against the 'Octo-mom' and the court filing a guardian may make all the persons involved with these children and other minors on reality shows sit up and wonder when they are next. Let's hope he is able to bring pressure on these parents and the network and the show is canceled forcing these parents to find jobs they are skilled at and support their family like millions of parents with large families do daily.
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