Ahhh, so Gomer (Casey Aldrige) is not upset that Jamie Lynn called off the teenage wedding from hell, but, he DOES want some money. Gomer's been trying to pull a K-Fed and threatening Jamie Lynn with a custody battle if she doesn't fork over the bucks. “He’s not a spiteful person,” a friend of his tells Star. But he feels he’s entitled to a chunk of Jamie Lynn’s millions. “He plays to win. He doesn’t really want full custody of Maddie, but he knows it might be his best weapon against Jamie Lynn.”
Cripes. Is this douche kidding? What? Does he think his sperm's worth money? The Spear's are lucky the kid isn't retarded with him for a dad. Jamie Lynn tossed his ass aside for cheating. Now, I find it hard to believe anyone would sleep with this redneck dirtbag, must be slim pickin's in Buttfuck Mo. Tractor boy looks like he cruises family reunions for dates. And now he wants millions? Pfffft. It's time to have Daddy Jamie get out the shotgun and go redneck horndog huntin'. That's what they do in Missouri.
Them Spears girls sure know how to pick 'em.
What a trailer-trash ass-wipe. I hope she hits him up for child support.
He needs to disappear in those bayous in Louisiana's swamps!! never seen again! How dare he ask HER for money. Is he f'g kidding. thank gawd she didn't marry him . Maybe Brit warned her. Most like her dad had a talk with her to make her see reality! Just in time. Someone go kick his ass now. They may make him sign off on parental rights & just pay him to get the hell away forever. & he knows it. He'd be glad to do it too. He doesn't want that baby! never did!
he can get money out of her cuz he knows who the real daddy is...she'll pay him to shut him up...but he'll eventually blab....just wait...sooner or later the truth will come out...
MissTia, thats just a case of sour grapes or "he said" "she said". All will deny. He will sign off and be gone anyway with a nice fat check. Prick! I hope he goes off and gets another little girl pregnant & goes to jail!
So, if that's what they do in Buttfuck, Mo... what to they do in Buttfuck I-OA-way?
Like you have room to spit on Missouri (where I am)- aren't you in IOWA? :) well, we ARE the Show Me State! So I guess showing him the barrell of a shotgun is how we'd do it!
And the trio saga continues...Spears, Lohan, Hilton.
Here, Buttfuck Ioway is 10 miles from Buttfuck Mo.
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