Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hef addresses the rumors..

Hugh Hefner, on the recent rumors of Holly and Kendra dating other men...“The reality is the girls and I are all together … Holly shares my bed on a nightly basis … Are there going to be changes in the relationships? I’m sure there are going to be. I think that in the future, the girls are going to, in time, be dating others and moving out of the mansion, and when that happens we will not be keeping it a secret.”
It's not a secret now, Hef. But, I heard he put Holly in his will. She aint goin' anywhere. That chick will be sucking old man peen at his wake.


Anonymous said...

So gross to think about these twits doing anything with the old man. I had a girlfriend that commented on the rigidity of my erection. I was surprised when she said it, but then she told me that her last boyfriend was older, and that his erections were semi-soft. Hef probably sleeps with a Viagra drip on an I.V.

Anonymous said...

Viagra is a blight on humanity.

Anonymous said...

you probably have a converted Pez dispenser for it crabbie. More than likely a phalic Pez dispenser.

Anonymous said...

men want sex even after they are dead! It's just how they are. Viva' Viagra! Ole'.

Anonymous said...

Kendra is always awkwardly off to one side, being shunned by the group. Anyone else ever notice that? Of course she probably made them an hour late for the pic, so they might just be mad at her! Girl is pokey, she's not Next Door, she's from across town!

Anonymous said...

How absurd they all look.

I don't care if it IS the Kentucky Derby.

Anonymous said...

They do. Like cartoon characters, actually. And I'm sure anyone standing or walking near them that afternoon was whacked in the face at least once by those ridiculous hats.

Anonymous said...

This is disgusting. Can hef really believe anyone would even kiss him without money changing hands? He is, what, old enough to be Kendra's great-grandfather?

I always presumed none of the girls really slept with him. YUCK!

Anonymous said...

OMG! My daughter is 22, loves Hef, thinks he's still a very handsome suave man. And if any of you has ever been to Louisville, KY on Derby Day to Churchill Downs you'd know that the GND hats are small in comparison to most! It's a tradition. In England the ladies wear big absurd hats to watch the races all the time. It's cool. Leave tradition alone. You don't participate, so STFU!

Anonymous said...

I have always admired Hugh. He knows what he wants and goes after it in multitudes.


Anonymous said...

Yeah Louisville, I will STFU as soon as you eat one of those hats.

Anonymous said...

5:38 So your daughter is a vapid whore like her mom huh? Fuck you and your retarded hat.

Anonymous said...

I don't think your 22 year old daughter would "love hef" if she met him in person and saw what he is. These women sold their souls long ago. Gosh, what woman would be with this very elderly guy if they could (and these 3 could) be with guys of their own age? Money, money, money. It's a dirty game.

Anonymous said...

5:38, you're an inbred idiot with progeny to match.

Just because someone says the GND look absurd in their inflated hats, doesn't mean they aren't aware of Churchill Downs.. or the world of racing for that matter.

And fyi, ladies in England do not wear "big hats to watch races all the time". The only function at which this is "tradition" is Ladies Day @ Royal Ascot.

Next time shoot your mouth off about something you actually know.

Dirty Disher said...

When I was 22 I fell in love with a much older director. He looked like Gene Wilder does now. I was crazy about that old man, so yeah, it is possible.