Sunday, September 21, 2008

Jacob and Lucas at the zoo

Reader Karla sent these great zoo pics in. Look at that chimps face! And her boys are handsome guys.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Those pics are great! You must have a sweet camera. Your boys are very cute. It's still a little too hot in Florida to really enjoy a day of the zoo yet. Sigh... Thanks for the pics.

Dirty Disher said...

I assume the WTF? was for the post..Sundays are for personal and readers posts. Monday we get back to celeb A-holes.

with3love said...

Ah I want to get back to the Zoo, its been too long! My kids love it too! Happy children is always a good thing, isn't it!

Anonymous said...

those kids are not cute, they are horribly obese...

Anonymous said...

Karla - send your kids out to play, rather than letting them sit in front of the TV with a bag of Cheetoes and a can of Pepsi for dinner. I can smell heart disease and diabetes from a thousand miles away!

with3love said...


Anonymous said...

Anons 5:47 and 10:59.

WTH is wrong with you? Do you feel better about your own, sh!##y little existence now? What exactly was the point of such a hateful, hurtful post. I mean, don't tell me you think that was helpful in any way, shape, or form; re. someone's children no less. How do you know what these children eat, what after school activies they participate in?

Thank God for Karma. Expect some coming your way.

Anonymous said...

Thank you StealthySoul & Pissymood, for saying what I have been thinking since I read the hateful comments......I hope that 5:47 and 10:59 Someday get their due..... This is the first time Ive seen such hurtful things commented here, and it bothered me alot.

Anonymous said...

oh pleeez... you're saying those kids don't have high blood pressure, heart deseases and aren't in a risk of heart attacks? keep at it...
those kids need to lay off french fries and twinkies asap before it's too late..
there are teenage heart attacks and chronic heart deseases happening all over the place.. do some research..
I wasn't hating.. but sometimes looking at obese kids you just can't help thinking: wtf are their parents thinking??? they should be charged for child abuse...

Anonymous said...

just to save you some of your clueless time:

Anonymous said...

just to save you some of your clueless time:

Anonymous said...

anon 5:32pm, I guess you weren't around during "chinese-eat-dogs" ranting. that was great fun

with3love said...

5:32 Oh yeah, there has been MUCH worse hateful talk on here from years past.

9:26 This is a gossip blog. DD Patricia, posts pictures of her beloved readers on weekends which are NOT up for dissection.

If you care for children and the hardships they face, be proactive instead of adding to the problem.
Child abuse? You most definitely are NOT a parent, being incredibly naive and narrow minded indicates your maturity level is abnormally low.

You may have a serious delay, you should get that checked out... Usually retarded people aren't aware of delays, good luck with that. Hopefully the medication they put you on wont fatten you up, then you'll be REALLY adding to the issue.

Anonymous said...

So, what's your point with this 'you're retarded' talk? Yeah, that's very mature. You're obviously a mature parent.. not LOL

I wasn't trying to be mean, just stated the obvious - those kids are obese. It has nothing to do with looks by the way. Looks are the least of the worries, it's about health issues that arise from all the fat covering the organs. It's very unhealthy and dangerous.

And to be proactiv... that's up to their mom. She should encourage participation in sports, limit video games and TV time, cut off fast food, fried food, animal products (meats, butter, ice cream, sour cream, etc) and sweets (baked goods). Oh, and portion control is very important.

And the fact that you got so worked up about this is just an indication that you're fat too. Poor thing, refer to the paragraph above for general guidelines on what to do about it.

Anonymous said...

The post should be called: Jacob and Lucas managed to grow their faces larger than gorilla's :) LOL

Anonymous said...

I am 5:32 and, yes, i was around for the Chinese eating dog funfest....but that was not mean and personal and directed at little kids who will probably read what is written here.....

Anonymous said...

It's called tough love

with3love said...

4:57 I see you've managed not to absorb ANYTHING I wrote. You didn't even comprehend the way in which I suggested you become proactive.

Also, no I am no where near being fat. I am a bit chubby, I weigh 138 and am 5'4 inches. I am still losing weight from pregnancy.

The reason as to why I am so "worked up" is because you are messing with CHILDREN by writing your crap (which proves you are NOT a parent). YOU are discriminating their mother, and turning a day at the Zoo into a self esteem butchering. Fuck you for being so dam heartless, and too stupid to recognize it. YOU are a Sociopath. I am someone who cares about innocence, I hate those who dont.

Anonymous said...

I never said I was a parent...
And I'm just as heartless as their doctor would be...

And yeah, 138 lb on a 5'4" frame - YOU ARE fat (sorry to brake the news)

with3love said...

That's funny that someone who comes off as a know it all wouldn't need my body mass index, breast size, waist to hip ratio, fat to muscle ratio before deciding that I "am fat". You've once again proven me correct, you're biased research reflects your intelligence...dull at the very most.

Anonymous said...

that's just proves that you are fat :) LOL

with3love said...

Yeah your point?

I can lose weight, but you'll always be stupid. You're weak mentally and inevitably physically, a "genetic failure".