Monday, September 22, 2008

Jolie and Pitts castle is a pig stye

Star mag says Jolie and Pitt have let their kids turn their French castle into a filthy garbage dump. "It's actually pretty disgusting," the source says. "Every room looks like a war zone."
Maddox, 7, and Pax, 4, are two of the biggest culprits and often wage "toothpaste wars" with younger sisters Zahara, 3, and Shiloh, 2, leaving a huge mess of dried gunk all over the bathroom walls, mirrors and floors. There's also hair dye all over the bathroom, thanks to Maddox's blue Mohawk.
The bedrooms aren't any better. "Angie is really big on letting the kids express their creativity," says the source, "so she has no problem with them doodling in crayon all over the walls, even on the wallpaper!"
The source also claims the kitchen is fly infested because of dirty dishes and spoiled food left around. I'd call BS on this story, you know, because they have enough money to hire tons of help, but, I've heard this rumor from some source in every house and hotel they've ever lived in. I think there's some truth here. Ehhh, it's their house, who cares? It's a giggle to think of Jolie with flies buzzing about her head though. Annoying bastards, flies.


Anonymous said...

Everyone who's had the pleasure and pain of raising children know that if you let them run wild and do whatever they want in the name of freedom and expression by the time they are teens you've got hell on wheels on your hands.

Can't wait for that Jolie Pitt entertainment to hit the stands.

Anonymous said...

Brad refuses to clean up anymore, and it shows. Fucktards. Angelina media glitz bogged down when she endorsed McCain. bias?

Anonymous said...

Ok, I usually refrain from dissing Zahara, but for someone who literally hit the fucking lotto she ALWAYS looks so "stank"

I guess that's how I would feel if I had white parents and knew I was an impulse purchase

Anonymous said...

Nope, I totally believe this. She'd no more get her hands dirty cleaning than she would plant a tree! You get dirty doing either. Not happenin'. I would say it's very true, and until the cleaning help arrives on their scheduled day, I am pretty sure this shit all is waiting for them. No wonder Brad is always out with a kid alone!!! Getting away from the flies and yuck!

Anonymous said...

AJ seems like a lazy assed priveleged bitch. That just barks commands at her slaves to do her bidding. No f'g way is she cleaning up dirty dishes! Thats why they invented slaves, duh!
Uh-OH! Watch out Z!

Anonymous said...

Although I believe there's a grain of truth in EVERY celebrity rumor, it's a well-established fact that they have an veritable army of staff at Chateau Miraval-- including chefs, nannies, groundskeepers, drivers, HOUSEKEEPERS and an executive house manager to supervise one and all.

The kids are surely running 'amok'... probably destroying much along the way, but the idea of there being "fly-infested dirty dishes piled in the sink"??! Ohhh... someone has a VIVID imagination.

Anonymous said...

It's a castle, people.
"Cleaning help showing up on their appointed day?" LOL

They'd need a whole staff to run that joint. Don't forget Brad 'n Ang are busy as hell-- working and going to events, etc plus they now have infant twins..... who's taking care of all those kiddies -and- the house? A day maid? I think not.

Story's bullshit.

Anonymous said...

I believe it. Liz Taylor had this story going around about her back in the day too. I say "where's there's smoke..." people!
Lazy rich people dont' clean up after themselves.

Anonymous said...

even if it's NOT true. It's good that someone is saying it about them, right? I love it. I bet it is true tho. All those rugrats? U kiddin' me? Gross nasty mess. Just like dog shit at Paris' & Brits houses. True!

Anonymous said...

Well, apart from the flies, it sounds like fun.

Anonymous said...

Angelina is a control freak. There is no way she would allow a mess like this in her house. This is complete bs.