Saturday, September 27, 2008

Lindsay, bla bla

Lindsay Lohan is seeking a restraining order against her father, Michael after he nutted out again and said (among other things) that Sam Ronson told her friends to wipe their ass's on the used toilet paper roll at her "disgusting" apartment. Which, if you ask me, is preferable to wiping yor ass all over your daughters life.
Also Samantha is said to be worried about keeping The Blow interested in bed since Linds is easily bored. Sam thinks if they get married things will be better. Pfffft. When you get married you are done with sex. Get that? Hear me loud and clear? Oh, you can still play hide the sausage or bump the donut once in awhile, but, you'll be so bored you might as well be doing laundry while listening to Ali Lohan on your iPod. People will lie to you, there will even be some posting here who say I'm wrong. Don't listen to them. Trust me..marriage = sex life over. Done, kaput, si-yo-nara, so long, bye bye, and aloha hooey. You are never getting laid again. Ever. But, you'll have family. ........................................hahahhahaha.


Anonymous said...

lesbians are unable to keep an interesting sex life. There is even a word for it (well, three):
lesbian bed death

Dirty Disher said...

Lesbians have as great a chance as straight

Dirty Disher said...

PS..guns n roses suck.

Anonymous said...

true thing, dirty, true thing.

Imho gnr should be banned from the air. Their crap hurts my brain.

Anonymous said...

Count my vote too.

Despite what anyone says to the contrary, and regardless of how smokin' your connection... once you get married the life clock on your sex life is ticking.

Even if neither of you specifically "check out" or has an affair, sooner or later that part of your relationship will be over. Acabado. Finis. Fertig and Dunzo.

Abandon all hope... ye who enter.

Anonymous said...

LOL you losers are to funny. 17 years of marriage, still fucking. We both love it, its still good.
But the wife does think Guns n roses suck...I think they rock.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I used to love Guns n Roses. It was pretty sad when they were the closing act at the MTV VMAs a few years back, a so called come back attempt. Did anybody catch that?

Anonymous said...

Marriage is over rated. There is no need to get married in the 21rst century. Unless you want rugrats.

Monogamy is a myth too.

As for lesbians, I'm not going to judge but honest I do not get it or understand. There is no " fit" and I for one do not want plastic toys in my warm,safe place.