Sunday, September 28, 2008

Marty and Kathleen show up for All My Sons

Katherine Noelle "Katie" Holmes's parents turned out for her Broadway play. They're from Ohio and her dad is an attorney specializing in....divorce. Hmm.


Anonymous said...

I can only imagine what a freak tom seems to these midwestern people. Only wish they could save their daughter and granddaughter before they are totally sucked into the sinos. But I'll bet Tom has some tight paperwork signed and sealed that if Katie leaves the baby stays with him.

Anonymous said...

silvery hair runs in the family i see; this usually means early grays ~ i got my first one at age 16!

Bet Katie is already dye-friendly ;)

Anonymous said...

The way she's been aging the last 5 years...I'd say "Hey there's Katie in another 10". Classy, but old.

Anonymous said...

These poor people. They must love Katie very much. Can you imagine how hard they have had to swallow the whole circus that is Tom Cruise? And just so they can keep close ties (or as close as Tom allows)with their daughter. They suck it up so they don't become estranged from her so they can help her when she wakes up and wants her life back. I bet Daddy Holmes would love to have his day in court with Tom. You know he is documenting everything.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:15: You read my mind. I would be documenting each and every thing if I were in his shoes, biding my time and sharpening my skills. Although I think the nutcase Tom is going to implode with his own self-importance one of these days or just fly away.

Anonymous said...

Her dad made sure the pre-nup included a divorce settlement before she ever married tommy boy. Now there's a vote of confidence!

Anonymous said...

i was reading today how tom upstaged katie on her opening broadway night. apparently, instead of entering the theatre quietly by a side door he made a loud and obvious entrance and so the play started 10 minutes late. then every time katie had a line he made loud wooping noises. and at the end of the play he also got a standing ovation and signed autographes. can that possibly be true? reminds me of the couch jumping thing on oprah. does that mean katie will walk out soon? didn't tom and nichole split soon after her doing live theater? oh i hope she escapes like nichole did, but with suri.

Anonymous said...

None of that was reported on any of the tv magazine shows and interviews lia, quite the opposit of that actually.

Anonymous said...

I would imagine they're quite mortified by the jaw-dropping changes in their daughter over the past couple of years-- just on physical appearance alone.