Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Meg Ryan's pants are on fire

Meg says Dennis Quaid cheated on her: “Dennis was not faithful to me for a long time, and that was very painful. I found out more about that after I was divorced. [But] I am not a victim. I was there. I was in that marriage for a really long time.”
On her affair with Russell Crowe in 2000: “Russell didn’t break up the marriage. I was a mess. I hurt him too at the end. I couldn’t be in another long relationship. It wasn’t the time for that. So I got out… My time as a scarlet woman was really interesting. As painful as it was, it was also incredible liberating. Now I was utterly free. I didn’t have to care about what people thought.”
Meg talked about her daughter Daisy: “I don’t feel like I adopted a child. I feel like I just got this unbelievable companion. Daisy is brilliant. This kid says things every day that make you just stop and stare at her.”
Her hubby probably did cheat on her, but, telling everyone she broke up with Russell Crowe is goofy. No one's gonna believe that. She was hanging on to him like a dingleberrry on a squirrels ass and devastated when he dumped her. No one ever thought she was a scarlett woman anyhow, it makes me wonder how she sees herself. She must think she's much more interesting than I do. As for Daisy True, she's not a companion, she's her 3 year old child. Daisy's one of my favorite Hollywood kids because she's so dang cute, but, her mission in life shouldn't be to be the companion of some again actress who's losing her cute factor. I thought that was weird.


Anonymous said...

uh for Daisy to be hitting the party curic [sic?] in about 10/12 years!

parents need to be PARENTS to thier children FIRST, then friends need boundaries, kids need someone to say 'hey don't do that' 'go to bed', etc...

and what the hell is wrong with meg where she doesn't have any friends of her own???

Dirty Disher said...

That's the way it came off, huu? She's odd.

Anonymous said...

She's never been a great "star" and I don't like the way she looks now. Her lips are totally off (especially in "The land of women") and her latest film "the women" is just bad, bad, bad. She was cute decades ago when she was on As The World Turns and Sleepless in Seattle but now she's just boring - and tired.

As for her kid being something other than a kid (her companion)...I think those are the kinds of things people (celebs) say to sound clever about their child-rearing capabilities.

Anonymous said...

Poor Russell Crowe.
The l'il darlin' may still not be over her.
We can ask him.
...when he stops laffin'!
I always like Dennis Quaid and his "off-center"...well, different movies.
I always thought she came off a little too ditzy and cute.

Anonymous said...

Oh Crowe totally dumped her ass. It was quick too. Wham-Bam, Thank ya' ma'am! I remember it so well. She even kept trying to get him back! Who is she kidding? She is such a liar.

Anonymous said...

does she speak to her mother now? She didn't for many, many years. Didn't her mom get cancer or something too? I kinda lost interest in her since she dropped out. Just curious.