They also said she was having fits, looked like something from the Exorcist and tried to hurt herself. You can go look up all the shit you want to but no matter what you paste in the comments section, I will warn you now...I don't believe there's any such thing as "cannabis poisioning." That's fucking retarded. Yeah, then her head spun all the way around, she climbed to a rooftop, turned herself into a bat and flew her skinny ass to Mexico where she now lives on the blood of virgins and hides by day in a field of wild Acapulco Gold. Look for a new perfume line soon..WineRun's Skunkolicious. Wipe your nose, bitch.
Coke head! Pot head? No way did she give up coke for pot for an entire day & 1/2!!! Wasn't she supposed to be dead by now? She has a lot to live for but just wants drugs. I don't get that.
I thought that cannabis poisoning was what Bruce Lee died of. I think it's real, and she just dodged another bullet. How she manages to keep living through all the crap she throws at herself is beyond me.
I read, somewhere, that Lee died after eating a mouthful of "hand-rubbed", Nepalese hash, in order to relieve a severe headache.
It was thought to be a toxic amount of the high-potency doo.
I guess he was afraid that smoking it would have harmed him.
She used to be so pretty...I don't think she's a bitch, just addicted.
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