Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What did you crave?

My favorite tranny, Rebecca Romijn, who's preg with twins is craving things and it's hubby Jerry O'Connell's job to make sure the fridge had lemonade and soy cream cheese. When I was pregnant I always craved ice. Yeah, I know, it could have been worse, but, I went from snitching a piece to heaping blowls of crushed ice eaten with a spoon all day long. I had a cousin who craved dirt and she'd chow on unwashed raw potatoes in the middle of the night. I'm curious..what cravings did you or your significant other have while pregnant?


Anonymous said...

Pizza, pizza and more pizza!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm on my first pregnancy (almost done!) but have had no cravings. I'm sure my husband is grateful for that!

Dirty Disher said...

Awww jessica..be sure and send us pics of the new sweetie.

Anonymous said...

Um...1st pregnancy, I would eat cans & cans of black olives and I always wanted guacamole. I threw up for months so nothing I ate stayed down & I lost weight. 2nd pregnancy, all I ate was oatmeal 3x a day with butter & brown sugar. Then when my baby came out she looked like she was cov'd in oatmeal or cream cheese. It was so weird! I ate black dirt when I was a kid and sand too. Still makes my mouth water. I totally get the dirt thing. Stand in a basement thats kinda old and damp. Take a deep breath, it smells like the earth. Love it. & to this day when I am near brand new tires in a store, I wanna take a big bite outta them. I am sooo weird. But the smell is amazing. Gawd, now my mouth is watering. DD-Tell your cousin to eat radishes, they are the closest thing I can find to taste like dirt! Yummy! & JellyBellys makes a "dirt" jelly bean. & yes, I am anemic people!

Anonymous said...

I've only been pregnant once, but I craved healthy stuff (broccoli, chicken breast, salads, etc.) until Christmas. During the holiday season, I occasionally chased my husband out in search of eggnog shakes and onion rings. Later, I craved beef liver, and ordered it in a restaurant, but by the time they brought it out, I could not so much as look at it without starting to heave. Weird what carrying another human does to a person, huh?

Anonymous said...

Taco Bell mexican pizzas (2 of them! Minus the meat) and slurpees were my cravings. And bbq sauce! On everything!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and to explain my ridiculous id; I haven't posted comments anywhere but my cousin's sports blog. Onionsandoranges.blogspot.com Check it out-he's pretty amusing even though I don't know what the hell he's talking about most of the time...

Anonymous said...

Cock.Lots of dirty Arab cock.

Anonymous said...

How did you cook it?

Anonymous said...

LMAO at anon 12:38!!!!!

Megan said...

i knew i was pregnant when i ordered papa john's pizza just so i could drink the garlic butter that comes with it like a shot.

Dirty Disher said...

LMAO @ How did you cook it?

Anonymous said...

milk, like a gallon every other day, watermellon & mcdonalds vanilla ice cream.