As opposed to a big bottle of bleach and a pair of high heeled cowboy boots riding off the fame of American Idol. I wonder what Kellie Pickler thinks? But, I know better than to type Pickler and thinks in the same sentence. She's probably glad she has these two gummy heads to make her look like a rocket scientist.
As opposed to a big bottle of bleach and a pair of high heeled cowboy boots riding off the fame of American Idol. I wonder what Kellie Pickler thinks? But, I know better than to type Pickler and thinks in the same sentence. She's probably glad she has these two gummy heads to make her look like a rocket scientist.
One & the same to me. Tony is the loser here, he's fugly. He should be thanking gawd that any halfway decent looking girl would give him a tumble. & Carrie U is a TV whore , who does she think she is???
They're both very pretty-looking.
I wonder if they can each cook.
They should probably ditch the dudes and get a room.
They might be a lot happier later.
Jess is doing her best Dr. Evil immitation there. I hate Carrie. I like Jessica, but she needs to STFU!
You don't have to be a country music fan to appreciate the fact that Carrie underwood can really sing.
If entering a contest makes her a "TV Whore", whats that make jess?
well, jess & nick were ASKED to do their show. big difference! it wasn't a contest!
Whatever you think about Tony it's just wrong to call him a retarded football player. You don't have to have a family member with special needs to know how slurs can hurt. People with special needs deserve your respect, not your hate.
5:47, so what they were 'ASKED', big deal, they still agreed to put their PRIVATE lives on display, thats 'whoring' for the camera. And jess has been lost since it ended, trying everything to get back in the public eye at every opportunity.
Auditioning for a contest that requires you to perform under pressure, with the goal of fullfilling a dream, bettering your self and creating a career is admirable. Do you honestly think if no one knew who Jess was she'd win on a show like AI?
This is my first visit to this site. It will be my last.
I happen to think Carrie, Jess and Kellie are all a hell of a lot smarter than the person who writes this juvenile crap.
I've seen far more intelligent work on bathroom stalls.
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